Peace Tuesday, 02 September 2014. Year VII - National - TopicsExpress


Peace Tuesday, 02 September 2014. Year VII - National Edition THE KEYS OF WISDOM: You Donate What Is Your seed; What You It Keeps Your Harvest . Mike Murdock Word of the Day: Hear my prayer, O Lord! Come to you my cry! Hide not thy face from me when Im troubled. Incline thine ear to me; when I call, answer me quickly! (Psalm 102.1-2;). 1) - Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old he will not depart from it. (Proverbs 22: 6). REFLECTION: Children need not be trained; need to be guided. Life is not only about intellectual lessons and information. Its about the truth integrate into the fabric of our daily lives. God calls us to put our sons and your training to the top of our list of priorities because our children are eternal, while most of the things in which we invest our time are temporary. 2) - In the Lord, however, woman is not independent of man, nor the man independent of woman. (1 Corinthians 11:11). REFLECTION: The woman was not made to overcome the head man, not his feet to be trampled by him, but from his rib to be equal with him, under his arm to be protected, and near his heart to be loved. Husband and wife should be united, socially, emotionally and spiritually, as well as the Trinity, although three people, is one. This is a form of husband and wife reflect the image of God. ***************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** The Alarm is Ringing: [...] Those who believe not stumble because they disobey the message to which also they were appointed. (1 Peter 2: 8). I believe that Brazil is at a crossroads. We live in a society that is on the brink of moral bankruptcy. Crime continues to explode. Families continue to divide. The whole time the fabric of society continues to weaken. Like most people, I also have at home electronics. We have a microwave, washing machine and tumble dryer and still have a fax machine. Each of these devices is equipped with its own alarm. At breakfast, when I hear an alarm; means that the food in the microwave is ready. I hear more and an alarm means its time to take the clothes out of the dryer. I hear another alarm of my fax machine and know that message arrived. Likewise, we know that the end of the world is coming because the alarm is ringing. Only he did not tell me what is wrong. For this, I have to read the error codes; or, in other words, have to read the manual. Only then can try to fix the problem. I think an alarm is sounding throughout our country. As my fax machine, if I proceed as what the manual says, I can fix the problem. Likewise, God gave us His Manual - the Word of God. It tells us what to do when a problem arises. But well never find the solutions to the problems of Brazil if not back to the pages of Scripture. QUOTE OF THE DAY: Everyone believes very easily in whatever theme or wish. Jean de La Fontaine FREE SPACE: BIBLE READING Deuteronomy 28.1-8 BLESSINGS OF OBEDIENCE: If you fully obey the LORD your God and carefully follow all his commands I give you today, the Lord your God will set you high above all nations of the earth; (Dt 28.1). God chose the people of Israel as their spokesperson for humanity. For this, gave it a law. The book of Deuteronomy, which we read today is known as the book of the second law. Not that God has given two laws to his people, but is a repetition that confirms and reinforces the importance of his commandments. Still, both Israel and we tend to disobey them - behavior known as sin. The insistence that he, God, is Lord, is of immeasurable importance. It means that God is eternal and is present everywhere. Theres no escaping it: there in front of the find, is to reward us, to be a painful reckoning. In this text God reveals to us his glorious mercy. If we obey, the blessing will be automatic. The blessing accompany them in the field, would be fertile couples, the flocks multiply, work at home would be successful, and Israel would be like Joseph, one of its patriarchs, who was successful in everything he put his hand (check in Genesis 39.2,23). In the Old Testament there are many examples of the little people prevailing over other nations. Amazing! The promise of blessing for those who obey continues today, but since Christ came to include therein all peoples and not just Israel, the blessing has acquired another dimension. While obedience in Israel yesterday brought collective peace, blessing today is present in the hearts of those who obey peace. Although Christians participate in all the typical difficulties of the environment in which he lives, that peace gives you an advantage that ultimately reflects in a much better life than average. Gods blessings for our obedience to him are the basis for a happy life full of meaning. PRAYER OF OUR FATHER: Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, Thy kingdom come; let it be thy will be done on earth as in heaven; our daily bread Give us this day; And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors; and let us not fall into temptation; more deliver us from evil; {For thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory forever, Amen}. SPECIAL MESSAGE: acceptance: The first impression we get when we hear or think of accepting either a person, fact or circumstance is that we will be submitting to or subjugating us giving up the fight, being weak. In fact, if we want to change any aspect of our lives and ourselves, we must begin by accepting. Acceptance holds a transforming power that only those whove experienced can evaluate. It is difficult to accept a material or emotional loss, a financial hardship; a disease; a humiliation; a betrayal. People are as they are, hardly change. We can not count on it. The only person we can change is ourselves, so if there is no acceptance, what we are doing is stupid, its insane. Acceptance is a force unknown to us because we are conditioned to fight, to rant, to fight. Accept Do not give up, nor resign. Accept is to be lucid in this moment and so life presents, so it should be. Everything is coordinated by the Law of action and reaction. The moment we accept, desmaterializamos situations that were created by us, solutions arise naturally through intuition or facts bring answers and solutions for the problem. Everything is moving. Nothing is permanent. Our natural tendency is to resist, do not accept anything that contradicts fight us and what creates the suffering. Thus prolong the situation. Resist only keeps us stuck in the uncomfortable situation, often perpetuating and making everything more complicated and cumbersome. When not accept become bitter, angry, frustrated, unhappy, full of anger and sadness, and these mental and emotional patterns create more difficulties, never bring solution. Accept is to expand awareness and find answers, solutions, relief. Accept is what leads us to the Faith. It is vital to understand that accepting does not mean giving up, it is going forward with optimism. Have many purposes to be achieved is our healthy attitude toward life. Take regard to this point, the now. The moment you accept, you surrender to what life wants to offer. New ideas arise to proceed in the desired direction, leaving the suffering. Hillsong - None but Jesus; https://youtube/watch?v=axqXMuW8x1U WE PRAY: Dear father helps me play my role in this relationship properly, want to honor the Lord, being a living witness of the unity of one flesh, which is possible only through His grace. I pray in Jesus name. Amen. SOURCE: BIBLE SOCIETY OF BRAZIL good day be happy A FAMILY IS THE BASIS OF ALL Perci Leonardo 55 011 9 47447199
Posted on: Tue, 02 Sep 2014 13:05:27 +0000

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