Peace Tuesday, 07 October 2014. Year VII - National - TopicsExpress


Peace Tuesday, 07 October 2014. Year VII - National Edition THE KEYS OF WISDOM: You Can Create With Your What seed do not You can Buy With Your Money. Mike Murdock Word of the Day: Praise the Lord Lord, thou art my God; I will exalt you and praise your name, for with great perfection have done wonders, things planned long ago. You made the city a pile of rubble, the fortified town a ruin, the citadel of a nonexistent foreign city, never to be rebuilt. Therefore a strong people will honor you; the city of the cruel nations shall fear thee. Have been refuge for the poor, shelter to the needy in his distress, a shelter from storm and shade from the heat when the blast of the ruthless is like a storm against a wall and like the heat of the desert. You silencias the roaring of foreigners; decreases as the heat with the shadow of a cloud, so the song of the fearsome is muted. This mountain the Lord of hosts will prepare a sumptuous feast for all peoples, a banquet of aged wine with juicy meat and the best wine. (Isaiah 25.1-6;). 1) - Trust in the LORD forever, for the Lord God is an everlasting rock;. (Isaiah 26: 4). REFLECTION: When we see a mountain, we feel small, knowing that it is much bigger than us and that there is also much longer than us. But the Lord existed before any mountain and there after she disappeared. He is the only rock of safety and stability. Our always only exists in it. 2) - Whoever loves money never get enough of it, and he who loves abundance never get enough income: this also is vanity (Ecclesiastes 5:10).. REFLECTION: We were created with an existential emptiness within us that people try to fill with the pleasures of this world, but never satisfied, are always wanting more. The person who loves money becomes a slave of him, this never happy with what you have, and not enjoy life because they are always wanting more. But what they do not know is that no use seeking the things of this world, because this void in themselves, can only be filled by a true love that comes from Jesus Christ! Remember the Samaritan woman who asks for water to drink, and Jesus tells her that drinking this water shall thirst again, but now drink the living God, would never be thirsty. So are the things of this world, but who know Jesus have a full and abundant life filled with abundance and prosperity. ************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** Unexpected people: So that no one may boast before him. (1 Corinthians 1:29) What are the qualities that God looks at the person you want to use? He is looking for a great intellect? Someone with many certificates hanging on your wall? A born leader? Throughout Scripture and throughout the history of the Christian church, God has done unexpected things with unexpected people. He has done extraordinary things through ordinary people. He chose David, a young shepherd, to lead the nation of Israel. He wanted someone to lead an army and chose a coward Gideon. Its almost as if the Lord was diverted from his path to choose and resurrect someone. The apostle Paul explained to the church in Corinth that God chooses ordinary people so that everyone can see that the glory belongs to Him: Brothers, think of what you were when you were called many of you were wise by human standards;. Many were influential;. Many were of noble birth But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise, and chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong. He chose the insignificant things of the world and the despised things that are nothing, to reduce to nothing things that are, so that no one may boast before him. (1 Corinthians 1: 26-29). When I came to Christ, it was not a sports star, a rock musician or someone important. I was just a confused 17 year old boy. Gods work is largely responsible for all the good things that happened in my life. Its true. Anyone can see this clearly. God can use ordinary people to touch the world. Let Him use and see what He can do! QUOTE OF THE DAY: Speak without resolving anything is. Mary W.Stewart FREE SPACE: BIBLE READING Acts 6.8-12, 7.58-60 pardon: [As he was being stoned, Stephen] fell to his knees and cried out, Lord, do not consider them guilty of this sin. And having said this, he fell asleep (Acts 7.60). Forgiveness is not a feeling, its attitude. It is true that doing so is not so easy, because often forgive means to absolve someone who is guilty. A good example of this we find in history occurred during the American Civil War (1861-1865). A soldier was sentenced to death on charges of being a deserter. His plight came to the attention of Abraham Lincoln, who ruled the country at that time. He granted him forgiveness. The soldier returned to service and was killed in battle in 1865, when the war was about to end. With it - imagine the pocket of his uniform, and close to the heart - was found pardon signed by the president. Another great example of forgiveness we find in the Bible text today. Stephen was a true follower of Jesus. He forgave his enemies at death, imitating the attitude of his Master (see Luke 23:34). How could Stephen? Taking the example of Christ: Forgive as the Lord forgave you. (Col 3.13b). The Word of God is categorical in teaching us: Be kind and compassionate toward each other, forgiving each other, just as God in Christ forgave you (Ephesians 4:32). The question is: if the theme of forgiveness permeates the entire Bible as something inherent to God and order their children, as a person who gave his life to Christ could not forgive? Jesus is our greatest example (see what he said in John 13:15). So there is no escape: we need to forgive! If there is no willingness to forgive, religion is anything but Christian. Forgiveness by the son of God is a clear demonstration that he follows Christ. Forgiveness does not change the past, but the greatness of the future. PRAYER OF OUR FATHER: Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, Thy kingdom come; let it be thy will be done on earth as in heaven; our daily bread Give us this day; And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors; and let us not fall into temptation; more deliver us from evil; {For thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory forever, Amen}. SPECIAL MESSAGE: The Reflection: One day, a disillusioned girl decided to follow the example of the tales of childhood. He stood in front of her mirror and asked: - Dear mirror, look at me and tell me: Is there anyone more miserable than I?. - Certainly, replied the mirror, there is someone sadder than you at this time. And that someone is me. The girl looked amazed. Do not expect a mirror and even spoke against it. But the mirror continued: - You can not imagine the pain I feel when I see my reflection, a person who left your problems take over your life, which has no will to fight and mostly you can not see within himself the qualities, abilities and his talent. I wish you were in my place to see. you are such an intelligent person, who speaks to everyone who has a God and often spoke of Gods love, now shown as defeated. God is so so small in your life to make you feel inferior as well? Too bad you can not see through me all his ease in dealing with people, as is his expressive voice and his word, as his heart is strong and how much people love her. Look at you! Lift that head, because we all have difficulties, as well as all hold within themselves something special to give, the ability to make the very pleasant life. How many people who would like to be as you are! Healthy, intelligent and with all life ahead! However, many of them are happy and thank God for their lives. Use your sensitivity - it is essential for life. So I want to tell you: Motivate yourself to wake up in the morning, think something like: My day today will be productive, happy and full of life, because I have God with me. Do it with love in your heart and focus on your goals. From now on, I see myself reflected in another image. An image of inner joy. Life is so short. Do not waste time with the bad times. Make them positive experiences to continue his life. Being happy depends on a life in communion with God and in harmony with yourself. What comes after that are just results. 1) -Worship Songs By Maranatha Singers; youtube/watch?v=1PtZhE4Atpg WE PRAY: Lord God, makes my eyes are in eternity, always thinking on heavenly things, and Im living this life as a pilgrim really. Do not let me be a slave to my desires and money, but that money work for me, and for His Kingdom, in favor of helping BIBLE SOCIETY OF BRAZIL good Morning be happy A FAMILY IS THE BASIS OF ALL Perci Leonardo 55 011 9 47447199
Posted on: Tue, 07 Oct 2014 10:30:09 +0000

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