Peace Tuesday, 09 September 2014. Year VII - National - TopicsExpress


Peace Tuesday, 09 September 2014. Year VII - National Edition THE KEYS OF WISDOM: When God Speaks Of Him A Seed Has It In A Harvest Your Mind . Mike Murdock Word of the Day: Neither their silver nor their gold will be able to deliver them in the day of Gods wrath. In the fire of his jealousy the whole world consumed as it will sudden end to all who live on earth. (Zephaniah 1:18). 1) - Teach me to do thy will, for thou art my God, guide me by thy good Spirit level ground. (Psalm 143.10). REFLECTION: We want the Spirit to work in us for us to be more like Jesus. For this to happen, we must open our hearts to Gods will. There are no other words that God wants to hear more than Teach me Thy will. Having control over our lives and our will is the meaning of God be God in our lives. 2) - God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble. (James 4: 6). REFLECTION: The arrogant like stepping in the simplest and likes to taunt and humiliate others, but he forgets that God resists the proud. This type of person will never get anywhere, because it humbles one day be humbled. When pride cometh, then comes dishonor cometh: but with the lowly is wisdom. (Proverbs 11: 2). ****************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** Saudade of Heaven: [...] Also put in the human heart a longing for eternity [...] (Ecclesiastes 3:11) Have you ever felt homesick? Even being in a beautiful place, surrounded by loved ones too, have felt longing of wanting to return home as quickly as possible? As they say: there is no place like our home. No matter how your home is on earth. There is another home to which all should miss. This place is called heaven. Deep within us, we miss the sky, almost as if we have an instinct to return home to guide us there. Its amazing how God put instinct to return home animals. Defying all odds, the salmon return from the sea to spawn in the rivers where they were born. Swallows, year after year, they return to their nests in the Jesuit mission of San Juan Capistrano, California. There is something embedded in these birds and these fish that takes them back home. God also built it in us an instinct, a desire, a need of the sky. (Ecclesiastes 3:11) says: We also put in the human heart a longing for eternity. And because of that, we will never be fully satisfied in this life. Nothing comes up to the sky. You were created to know God. Was set to go to heaven. God put you on this instinct to return home and you will only be happy when we come face to face. Are you ready for this? Is ready to go home? QUOTE OF THE DAY: If youre gonna be original, you will be wrong enough times. Roger Von Oech FREE SPACE: BIBLE READING 1 Timothy 6.17-21 POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE: Godliness with contentment is great gain: (1 Timothy 6.6). The writings of the apostle Paul often contradict positive and negative aspects. Do it because life is like that. Every right action has beneficial results, every wrong action results in problems. In the text we read today, Paul commends the rich to avoid two negative things. First, not to be arrogant. Arrogance is not the result only of wealth. One occasion talked with a young arrogant pastor for having studied in a seminar that he thought the best of everyone. Placed in every other defect. Only the seminary where he had studied was good. However, the wealth fosters arrogance because it provides features that others do not have. Another negative attitude Paul points is depositing hope in riches. Years ago, a Cadillac gave glamor to the owner, and today? Then Paul presents the positive. How rich list! Hope in God. Doing good, generosity. Willingness to share - a rare virtue. Many think that wealth is only good material, but there are many others. How rich a doctor, a teacher, a judge, a good mason, mechanic, driver, a householder have to share! A young man was discouraged by financial difficulties and one outside it had received from his girlfriend. His pastor consoled saying: You are mourning the loss of silver, but God has reserved his gold! Years later, remembering the words of his former pastor, fulfilled his dream of a great marriage and professional achievement greater than could have imagined. Wake faith is not distributing wealth? Paul considered piety - that is, the attitude of living life under the direction of God - a great value, and recommends to Timothy that the store carefully - a precious advice for each of us. The presence of God is what makes positive that life without him would be negative. PRAYER OF OUR FATHER: Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, Thy kingdom come; let it be thy will be done on earth as in heaven; our daily bread Give us this day; And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors; and let us not fall into temptation; more deliver us from evil; {For thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory forever, Amen}. SPECIAL MESSAGE: Do not give up your dreams: Sometimes we struggle so much and suddenly, when we walk into a bakery, someone comes along and purchase that dream in front of us. And worse! Was the last. Then, we lower our head, and we will go home sad ... Erradíssimo !!! What is certain is raise your head and go to another bakery! Is that, at the next corner or miles away! If this did not work, another will give in! And that dream might not be doing us well, maybe not so good was that. Time to think it would be best, but if God allowed someone came in front, it is because He reserves in another dream in another bakery and much more filling. So do it, NEVER GIVE UP ON YOUR DREAMS! Sometimes we have to walk a bit more, but at the right time, in the right bakery, our dream awaits. Hillsong - At the Cross - With Subtitles / Lyrics https://youtube/watch?v=eOY0mjjmx8Y WE PRAY: Lord God, every day is harder to find humble people. I will not resign myself to this world: but make me a humble person, looking for example the character of Christ. Forgive the times I was arrogant and smug. I pray in Jesus name. Amen. BIBLE SOCIETY OF BRAZIL good Morning be happy A FAMILY IS THE BASIS OF ALL Perci Leonardo 55 011 9 47447199
Posted on: Tue, 09 Sep 2014 11:39:40 +0000

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