Peace in Afghanistan As it is said there couldn’t be an - TopicsExpress


Peace in Afghanistan As it is said there couldn’t be an immediate prospect of peace in Afghanistan and this is definitely a true remark because Afghans lack one of a paramount option and that is nothing else but Education. Afghans have been facing three fundamental things as Discrimination, Ignorance and poverty which have put them on the firing line over the last three decades. So, how to solve them? As long as I am concerned, discrimination should be solved with National harmony, Ignorance with education and poverty by sharing. I think this is going to be wiser for Afghans to get confederated and realize the true value of life which they can enjoy with great peace and tranquility at their own homeland rather than being in war or refugees in various countries where people deserve no respect for them and look at them with contempt. Afghans have gone through several heavy wars as 1st trespassed by Turkey, 2nd English, 3rd Russia and 4th USA and the process is still in progress so how long further will they be dyed with bloods and others will take advantages out of their miserable life. As the frontier post says “Asia is comparable to a living body composed of soil and water. The heart that beats inside the body is Afghanistan.” Afghanistan has such a great location in the hearts of others so what is wrong with the Afghans they do not look after it rather being involved in domestic violence or civil war. Peace is a state of harmony characterized by the lack of violence, conflict behavior and the freedom from fear of violence; commonly understood as the absence of hostility. Peace also suggests the existence of healthy or newly healed interpersonal or relationships, prosperity in matters of social or economic welfare, the establishment of equality and the working political order that serves the true interests of all. Rahmatullah Kamawal Akkora Khattak
Posted on: Fri, 05 Jul 2013 05:42:09 +0000

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