Peace, mercy and blessings of God Dear brothers and sisters accept - TopicsExpress


Peace, mercy and blessings of God Dear brothers and sisters accept God صيامكم and the rest of your business During the fasting period, which extends from after Fajr and even ears Morocco supports the body in its energy and its need for sugar glucose meal fast, but that meal can not provide this energy and sugar only for a few hours after finding the body is forced to rely on energy and glucose from the sugars and stored in the fatty tissues of the body and in this way is burned sugar and fat stored and rid the body of accumulated toxins It is obvious that the body begins first consumption of diseased cells, damaged or aging, and after fasting with breakfast renewed construction of these cells cells new given body strength and activity and vitality. Ramadan a real opportunity for the renewal of youth and increase the vitality and the work of the cells and that because fasting leads to two effects are important, namely: 1. During consumption of the body of material accumulated from him during the period of fasting van Among these materials accumulated fat accumulated conjoined walls of blood vessels is either to dissolved just as defrost water ice, thus increasing the blood flow through these vessels and increase the proportion of oxygen and food connecting to the cells via the blood, and thus increasingly vital and cells work, so we see that the person who maintains the fasting less illness atherosclerosis and has delayed the signs of aging 2. The end of the decomposition and replace damaged cells with new cells and increases the active work force and the various functions of the body so it feels rights after the end of the fasting month of purity of body and increase energy and clarity itself. And fasting is an effective treatment or an assistant for many diseases Among these diseases, which affects the healing and treatment of fasting follows: 3. Allergies: Some allergies than eating certain types of foods, some well known, such as fish, eggs, chocolate, bananas, others unknown. During fasting resting the body from these foods and therefore allergy sufferers feel very comfortable fasting. 4. Acne, oily skin and pimples and boils and inflammation of the folds is getting many fat meals, and these diseases are much improved fasting. 5. Fasting reduces the signs and symptoms of heart failure because fasting reduces drinking fluids and reduces food intake, in addition to melt the fat from the blood vessels improves heart function and thus reduces the symptoms of heart disease when infected. 6. Obesity or overweight: The month of Ramadan Free Diet doctor and a great opportunity for people with excess weight provided that they are bound by the terms the health Kalaatdal month of Ramadan in eating and increase traffic and reduce sleep and laziness. 7. Fasting addresses many of the problems of the digestive system, such as increased acidity and irritable bowel syndrome, indigestion and abdominal swelling because the fasting person refrain from eating and drinking throughout the period of fasting gives an opportunity to the muscles and membranes of the digestive tract that strengthened and increase its vitality. Psychological factor also plays a major role in the healing of some of the ills of the digestive tract, such as irritable bowel syndrome as a result of what caused the month of Ramadan happiness and joy and self-contentment and tranquility of mind. But you reap all the fasting health benefits of fasting? Unfortunately just as some fasters deprived of pay as you told this Prophet (peace be upon him): ((fasting person is not his fast except hunger and thirst)) and they fasters who do not fast from backbiting and gossip and sedition and curses cheat other people and of the limits of God Almighty, there is also fasting is deprived of the benefits of the month of Ramadan health and who يسرفون eating during the night of Ramadan, or who do not move during the day in Ramadan, and spends all his day in sleep, and those deprived of the benefits of fasting health because the human body during sleep does not need to great energy and therefore does not need to burn the food stored in it, and therefore lose this person is the most important benefit depends on the basis of other benefits which burn and melt the material sugary, fatty and protein stored in the body
Posted on: Fri, 19 Jul 2013 10:13:04 +0000

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