Peace, mercy and blessings of God Fragrant greeting to your - TopicsExpress


Peace, mercy and blessings of God Fragrant greeting to your person and after Mufdhal Western philosopher said what materialist philosophy began at the beginning of the last century, claimed to have based on scientific grounds, but after the Advancement of Science shows that they have nothing to do with science. In fact, materialist philosophy has emerged in the West Cardh extreme reaction on the Christian religion, which was distortion is no longer convincing to most Westerners and most important Alambadie these circumstances upon which the philosophy is 1, the idea of the eternal universe that has no beginning and hard and unlimited Article 2 eternal sense that they do not have a beginning and not created 3 deny the spirit and the definition of life as the interaction of dead material. And remained materialist philosophy deny God, the Creator of the universe and its supporters to defend it by saying the universe and any material Azliyn have no beginning and therefore non Mkhlloukian. But the evolution of scientific research to refute all the foundations of materialist philosophy proving that the universe has a beginning as well as the article. In the beginning was not the fact that no substance nor both created great explosion ..... Great explosion point is not her size and with endless energy that any creation of the universe, but something Position of atheists victory Big Bang Theory Big Bang Theory confused atheists because it proved creation of the universe and the article after it was fixed idea of the eternal universe that has no beginning and no end cover to evade Find the created universe and the material and thus they Maztron to prove atheism to answer the following questions 1 What that existed before the creation of the universe and the article is the latest of the universe and the creation of structured exact article is not 2 how life emerged from the dead material Valmlhadd binding interpretation of the creation of the universe and life after it emerged that two of the beginning. God created the universe from nothingness As a result of the abundant evidence discovered by scientists, thrown hypothesis infinite universe in the rubble of the history of scientific ideas waste · However, it has successively ask more important questions such as: What existed before the Big Bang? The force that was able to occur the Big Bang that led to the emergence of the universe did not exist before? There is one answer for your question, including that existed before the Big Bang: God, strong-Qader, who created the earth and the sky is a great system · have forced many scientists, whether they are believers in God or non-believers, to the recognition of this fact · Although they may refuse to recognize this fact on scientific platforms, the confessions existing between the lines expose ordered · said philosopher known atheist Antony Flew: Anthony Flew It is well known that the recognition of the benefit spirit, so I will start with the recognition that Atheist stubborn must bedeviled contemporary consensus cosmic · It seems that cosmologists provide scientific proof of what St. Thomas felt that it could not be proved philosophically; namely, that the universe had a beginning · As long as possible, thinking universe snugly as not only without end but no beginning, too, remains easy to argue that his presence is not logical, and basic features dominant whatever it is, it must be accepted as the final interpretation of the existence · Although I believe that this is still true, it is not easy certainly not comforting hold this position in the face of the Big Bang story · 3 Some scientists also admitted from the likes of British materialist physicist HP · me · Lipson HP Lipson they are forced to accept the Big Bang theory, whether they wish it or did not want to: If living material did not originate as a result of the interaction of atoms, natural forces and radiation, how originated? I think, however, we should recognize that the only acceptable explanation is creation · I know that this is anathema to physicists, as is the case for me, certainly, but we should not reject the hate if supported by empirical evidence · 4 In conclusion, science refers to the fact, whether one wants it or not materialists · I created the creator of time and material capable, created the heaven and the earth and everything in between; and this is the Creator: God strong: God, who created the seven heavens and the earth like it descends among them to know that Gods power over all things and that God had taken note of everything. Divorce: · 12 Funny video of a stupid atheist trying to interpret the origins of the universe from nothing If it fails the link directly in Google ..anschh youtube/watch?v=qMZ3YqfNx-k References 1. Henry Margino and Roy Abraham Varghese, the universe, and neighborhoods, and the gods, not L. Sala: (Open Court Publishing), 0.1992 · Page 241 2. HP · me · Lipson, Reflections physicist in development , Journal of Physical number, 138.1980 Page · 138
Posted on: Mon, 10 Nov 2014 04:09:56 +0000

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