Peace, mercy and blessings of God ... From today announce the - TopicsExpress


Peace, mercy and blessings of God ... From today announce the launch of the initiative on behalf of the team Sanabel good volunteer in the village of Khuzaa east of Khan Yunis ... Team consisting of two team responsible for sisters and brothers team responsible for each team of 5 people on all distributors Khuzaa .. The achievements of the team in his first day is as follows: - * Project robes charity and will run on Saturday and Sunday arrivals ... * Project uniforms, stationery, school bag and will run through next week Padnh Almighty ... * Project to provide treatment for disabled children in the village of Khuzaa * Project to provide quota for yours child born of war in cooperation with UNRWA in Gaza has been Execution of the project .. Project to provide medical tests for a poor family, including cost 210 shekels have run out today and thankfully .... * Project to provide a medical device for the foot and run out next Tuesday, in collaboration with some of the brothers and loved ones ... and cost NIS 600-1100. Objectives of the team: - * Access for each poor family and send its appeal to all institutions with the aim to help them. * Deliver the voice of the bereaved and the orphans and the poor for all service-spammers .. * Volunteer to help and contribute to the mitigation for needy families. Note / We extend our hands on the youth of all in order to stand at the huge responsibility. We help everyone and extend our hands to Anntmi any organization or any other Islamist party or the other, but we Nttoa for good to Dalk fat Sanabel good team ourselves and we aspire in order to get a license to Dalk and we will get Baden God .. Khozaa our place and we set off from the demolition and rubble in order to build our own hands Snapelln will not care about anyone except in order to contribute and help temper the poor families that are homeless and without a voice Vaqsmona on us to stand a serious stand for that bathrobe voices of families this topic May God and you are to serve both needs us To communicate with team management / 00970599018841 please donate to this cause whatever you can this is for Gazan kids that they need food school supply blank close
Posted on: Sat, 18 Oct 2014 06:31:19 +0000

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