Peace , mercy and blessings of God , and after: Hello - your - TopicsExpress


Peace , mercy and blessings of God , and after: Hello - your Beloved - consultancy Islam Web , and we thank you valuable feedback , and ask God to make you steadfast on what you are of repentance, and congratulate Ptopetk and your determination to leave this habit unsightly, was I was very wrong , and thus satisfy the Lord and keep your health , this habit with being ungodly , one of the assault contained in the verse as interpreted by some scholars , including El-Shafei, it nevertheless harmful to the body as doctors decide that . And then فالعقل and religion serving to leave the habit and quit it, and we recommend - Beloved - using the reasons that will help you to chastity , including: Remember جوارحك all stimuli , save your hearing and save your sight , that the reason to save فرجك as Allah Almighty says: { Say to the believing men to lower their gaze and keep guard that is purer for them that Allah is Aware of what they do } . I know - Beloved - that repentance must be what came before and Tmahoh , as evidenced by the provisions of the law many in the book of God In conversations Prophet - peace be upon him - he said our Prophet - peace be upon him -: ( repents from sin is like someone who is not his fault ) this is of great mercy of God and the virtues capacity and great kindness , as rights back after repentance as if it did not do guilt , and even greater than that preached God in the holy book that alter the disadvantages repentant gain . فأبشر thanks to God and His mercy , and the best you think God , Allah Almighty says in the hadith Qudsi: (I am as My slave thinks ) and take yourself and Jahidha to work descriptions which arranged Almighty God upon attainment of these ranks high in Jinan mole, and will , God willing. We ask God to take your hand, and shall عونك , and make it easy for you to obey and please Him .
Posted on: Wed, 11 Sep 2013 12:53:10 +0000

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