Peach Moonstone Gemstone Bracelet For Sale @ BD15. Free delivery - TopicsExpress


Peach Moonstone Gemstone Bracelet For Sale @ BD15. Free delivery within Bahrain. This bracelet is made from genuine gemstones & strung on elastic thread. Moonstone has been used for centuries in a variety of cultures. The changeable beauty of the moon is found in the stone named for it, moonstone. In India, moonstone is called chandrakant, meaning beloved by the moon. (from the Sanskrit chandra, moon and kanta, beloved) Moonstone, in Hindu mythology, is believed to have formed from moonlight. Moonstone, like the moon, comes in a variety of hues. It can be milky, rainbow, blue, gray, peach or tan. Blue, rainbow, and very clear moonstones radiate a magical play of light when theyre moved around. Gemologists call thisadularescence (adularia is another name for moonstone). Part of the magic of moonstone is that even those stones that dont look as dramatic may, when rotated about, show a surprising emergence of color. Being a perfect expression of the yin, the soothing and mysterious energy of the moon, moonstone is the bringer of calm, peace and balance. The peace and calm that moonstone generates has a sensual, other-worldly quality to it; it is infused with an enchanting, soft glow of optimism and creative energy. Moonstone can help us to come free of any self-destructive cycle or pattern regarding emotions, easing us into greater receptivity. Wearing regularly can help us to fine-tune and become more aware of our emotions before they freeze into negative patterns. Moonstone opens the heart to nurturing qualities as well as assisting in the acceptance of love. It is an excellent crystal for first or new love, and is a comforting talisman if love must be kept a secret. It was also believed to be able to reunite loved ones who had parted in anger. Moonstone has a long history as a stone of romance. According to the Romans, moonstone formed moonlight. Ancient Hindus believed it was composed from actual moonbeams. In India, this stone is considered so sacred that it is only displayed on a yellow silk cloth, as yellow is an especially sacred color. It is the stone of the Roman goddess Diana - who embodies fertility, abundance, nature, providence and freedom. As a gift for lovers, the moonstone takes the highest rank due to its power to arouse passion and allow lovers to see into their future fortunes (good and bad). Intuition is a large part of the moonstones energy, as is fertility. Fertility traditionally means the bearing of children but also includes nurturing your love to thrive and grow in a healthy fashion. Most of us are familiar with the feeling that the honeymoon is over! This is the time to wake up the real passion that is sleeping within you and your partner. Moonstone is also the stone of love and eroticism, stimulating the kundalini energy and carnal desires. For a passion booster...Moonstone! As a professional support stone, Moonstone aids dancers and artists in their self-expression, inspires the heart and feeling in executives, and helps educators in sharing activities. It enhances self-acceptance in waiters and waitresses, and promotes sensitivity in psychologists and secretaries. Moonstone is a powerful Barrier Filter. Barrier crystals have incredible abilities to help us focus and amplify our efforts to keep undesirable elements out of our lives. Its crystalline structure gives it strength in all directions, allowing it to provide barriers to attack from all directions simultaneously. Crystals with the earth power of a Filter, absorb positive energy flow but work to keep negative energy away from us. They help us view the world in a glass half full outlook, to see the best in others, the beauty in life, and the good in humanity. They keep us focused on the positive in situations and to not be overwhelmed by the negative. In our technological world, Filters also work to keep harmful electromagnetic transmissions from sapping our energy and health. Moonstone helps in attuning to the normal rhythms of the biological forces of ones body and to utilize natural energy cycles. It powerfully affects the female reproductive system, enhancing fertility and promoting ease in pregnancy and childbirth, alleviates menstrual problems and change-of-life, balances the hormonal system and eliminates fluid retention. Moonstone may also be used to enhance the assimilation of nutrients, eliminate toxins, and treat disorders of the digestive and elimination systems. Moonstone cleanses and dispels negativity from all the chakras, and provides supplemental energy and support in balancing the physical, emotional, and intellectual bodies. It provides spiritual nourishment and sustenance to assist one through all changes. It is also a useful tool in radionic analysis and treatment to help pinpoint problem areas. These lovely crystals are strong stones of the feminine principle... and may teach you many lessons about how you may choose to live your life. They embody the energy of the Divine Feminine, and this may soothe overly aggressive women... and help you to feel confidence and serenity within your life. Their frequency allows you to feel heartfelt joy... that flows out into your auric field. You may feel a profound sense of deep inner awareness and recognition of your destiny, as the vibrations of the Moonstone fills you. Once you begin to have this crystal within your auric field ... you may find that you begin to experience a greater number of synchronistic or serendipitous situations. Coincidence synchronicity and serendipity are all powerful aids to move your life in a new direction. If you open your mind to the prospects that these situations bring into your life... new possibilities for manifesting what you desire may emerge. It is strong stone to enhance your intuition... and its unique resonance may raise your psychic gifts if you hold it while doing a psychic meditation. Within women in particular, it may stimulate the gift of psychic visions or clairvoyance. Legendary as the Travelers Stone, Moonstone is especially protective of those who travel by night or upon the water when the moon is shining. Frequent travelers should keep one in the glove compartment for safe night driving and as protection against road rage.
Posted on: Tue, 15 Jul 2014 07:34:04 +0000

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