Pearl Harbor Day. Dont let this piece of history fade from memory. - TopicsExpress


Pearl Harbor Day. Dont let this piece of history fade from memory. When I was 8 years old, I lived in Hawaii. It was 1964, only 23 years after the attack. The runway at Wheeler field still had bomb craters in it. My dad worked at Hickam AFB in Honolulu and shell marks were still in the white buildings. What happened 23 years ago to todays generation? Heck Vietnam ended in 1973 so an 18 year old today has no clue about that. 1991 was back in the first Gulf War days (1990-91). Complacency about history gets us into trouble everytime and we are DOOMED to repeat it when we do not learn from history. We let Hitler slaughter millions before we got involved in the European theater. The Japanese had already slaughtered thousands in Korea and China before Pearl Harbor. So when some of us tend to be a little hawkish on the bad guys in the world, its because we dont want to be on the receiving end of terror, ever again. This is my fathers generation that fought the Germans and Japanese, and now they are allies in our world. The enemies we face now are not geo-political, where a simple change of regime can develop into peace. This is a fundamental religious war that I cant see ever going away. The wolves are out there, and our job is to teach history and protect our children and their future. Never forget. God, Country, Family.
Posted on: Sun, 07 Dec 2014 14:46:14 +0000

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