Pearl Harbor, and 9/11 are remarkable not because the United - TopicsExpress


Pearl Harbor, and 9/11 are remarkable not because the United States was attacked, but that we ever manged to come together and act with common purpose to defend ourselves. It seems that being attacked from outside the country is the ONLY time we are united. Any other time, we are too busy attacking each other from within to be bothered with the uncomfortable suggestion that we should have any common goal at all. America is, at its most rudimentary level, an impossible contradiction. We insist that our Constitutions most noble construct is that it establishes our absolute freedom to pursue ones own happiness. We then splinter off with determined haste, each along our own trajectories, frequently crossing each other at intersections with no traffic control, then peeling off at great speed along utterly divergent paths which grow farther apart as they proceed. Some of the loudest cheerleaders of our supposed freedom and liberty (C)(TM) 1776, 1789, act indignant whenever anyone else has chosen to follow a path different than the one they have chosen, angrily, implying that those people must have misused their freedom; of course only one path was the one that surely was the right one. Which leads me to ask, If we were all supposed to be conservative, Christian, gun-owning, money-loving, individualists with no common core (beyond the belief that our common goal is to protect our right to be alone from others as we see fit), ....if we were all supposed to think, pray, walk, talk, eat, and speak only one way, then what would we possibly need freedom for? Saddest still, is that when we are attacked from the outside, we ignore the internal strife and discord we have fostered among ourselves all the while, and somehow expect everyone to rally as a united force, and join together to act as one. In my observation, an attack from outside the country is the last chance, and only example, of our supposed unity. No wonder we fight so many wars. Its our only opportunities to illustrate that the name of our country is not a punchline to a sad joke. I think we should change the name of our country to The United States of Who The Hell Are We Kidding... - Joe Galatha, December 7, 2014
Posted on: Mon, 08 Dec 2014 04:01:02 +0000

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