Pearls of Wisdom.......... PROPHET JESUS (pbuh): A PROPHET, - TopicsExpress


Pearls of Wisdom.......... PROPHET JESUS (pbuh): A PROPHET, NOT A SON, OF GOD The Quran considers Judaisms Torah and the Psalms as well as Christianitys New Testament to be divine books (The part of books which agree with Quran), and regards Jews and Christians as People of the Book. The Quran describes Muslims as those who believe in what has been sent down (Quran) to you (Oh Mohammad) and what was sent down before you . (Quran, chapter-Baqara: verse-4) The phrase what was sent down before you is a reference to the Pages of Prophet Abraham (pbuh), the Torah of Prophet Moses (pbuh), the Book of Psalms of Prophet David (pbuh), and the Gospels of Prophet Jesus (pbuh). Gods revelation to Prophet Abraham (pbuh) no longer exists. The other texts have come down to us, but only in corrupted forms, for they contain statements and interpretations that are far removed from Allahs (Gods) true religion. Nonetheless, sections compatible with the Quran regarding faith in Allah( God) and His prophets; the love, fear, and respect of Allah (God); proper moral values and the like have survived to the present day. (Allah (God) knows best.) He has sent down the Book (Quran) to you (Guidence for All Mankind) with truth, confirming what was there before it. (Quran ,chapterImran: verse 3). The Quran also reveals that some Jewish religious figures distort words from their proper meanings (Quran , chapter-Maida: 41) and write the Book with their own hands and then say: This is from Allah (God) to sell it for a paltry price (Quran ,versel-Baqara: 79). In other words, they have corrupted Gods revelation to Prophet Moses (pbuh). Christians, on the other hand, have fallen into a grave error: the trinity (Quran ,chapter-Nisa: 171). In the Quran, Allah (God) provides a great deal of important information about the theological or moral errors of some members of People of the Book. This does not mean, however, that all of them have gone astray, as the following verses state: Among the People of the Book are some who believe in Allah (God), what has been sent down(Quran) to you (Oh Mohammad), and what was sent down to them, and who are humble before Allah (God). They do not sell Gods Signs for a paltry price. Such people will have their reward with their Lord. And Allah (God) is swift at reckoning. (Quran , chapter-Imran: 199) The Quran (The last and final Word of Allah (God))states that it is the duty of all individuals to learn about Allah and to live according to His will. As we cannot accomplish this be ourselves, Allah has sent messengers and prophets to guide humanity in various ages ,in All of these chosen individuals have brought the same message (Oneness and Uniqueness of Allah (The One and Only God ,of All Mankind) and have served as examples to their people of how Allah desires all human beings to live in Islam (an individuals True Submission to the Will of Allah). All of the messengers and prophets of Allah (From Adam till Prophet Mohammad). More than 1 Lakh Prophets came before Prophet Mohammad. The Quran states that each people has received revelation from Allah(God) in its own tongue so that all individuals know what is required of them. The Prophets such as Prophet Noah, Abraham, Ishmael, Issac, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, David, Solomon, John, Jesus etc , and Last and Final Prophet Mohammad (Peace be upon all of them). There are, however, many others who are not named.. Muhammad, the last prophet, was sent with a universal message(Islam) meant for all of humanity The message revealed through him is the Quran, which is Allahs final presentation of the original revelation received by mankind in its purest form. All Mankind ,have to live their lives according to the Quran and Sayings of Prophet Mohammad, for it determines their value judgments, moral characteristics, and perspectives on life. It is duty of each individual to utilise their time and age to think and embrace the truth (Islam) ,before it would be too late. Because Islam is the only way of life of peace and success ,which all prophets have embraced and preached, including prophet Moses,David,Soluman,Ibrahim,Jesus etc and Mohammad (Peace be upon All of them). And they attained peace, prosperity of Soul and body,by Submitting their will to Allah (The All Merciful and Only God, of All Mankind). command (Oh Prophet) what is good and avoid what is evil. (Quran). Our goal is to show the erroneous nature of belief in the trinity and to help Christians see the truth, so that they will realize this error and abandon all beliefs that are incompatible with faith in Allah (the One and Only God, of All Mankind). Through these selected people, we have been told why mankind was created, what will happen to us after death, and what Allah expects of us. He is Allah – there is no deity but Him. He is the Knower of the Unseen and the Visible. He is the All-Merciful, the Most Merciful. He is Allah – there is no deity but Him. He is the King, the Most Pure, the Perfect Peace, the Trustworthy, the Safe guarder, the Almighty, the Compeller, the Supremely Great. Glory be to Allah above all they associate with Him. He is Allah – the Creator, the Maker, the Giver of Form. To Him belong the Most Beautiful Names. Everything in the heavens and Earth glorifies Him. He is the Almighty, the All-Wise. (Quran, chapter -Hashr, 22-24) But most importantly, Allah is unique God-He has no partners, no sons or daughters, and no competitors, as so many other man-made religious systems have postulated. Muhammad, the last of Allahs prophets, was sent to present Allahs revelation in its final form and for the last time, for All Mankind. This was necessary because the message delivered by the previous prophets and messengers had been corrupted or distorted by their followers. They had been mixed with philosophical speculations, superstitions, myths, and neglect. Therefore, Islam is not a new way of life-it is a restatement of the original way of life of Allah in its purest form and is designed to provide humanity with the uncorrupted message of Allah. Islam that denotes submission and obedience to Allah. It also means peace, for it brings peace of mind as well as peace on the individual and the social levels. to attain peace and success in this life and the life hereafter. Discover ISLAM ,The Last and Final Way of Life for All Mankind.......... Article : (by Abdussalam)
Posted on: Thu, 16 Jan 2014 05:58:09 +0000

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