Pediatrics (28-11-2013) X Semester MBBS LUMHS 1.Shock patient - TopicsExpress


Pediatrics (28-11-2013) X Semester MBBS LUMHS 1.Shock patient not improving in one hour, now what to do? ----> Repeat IV Saline again as before for one hour 2.Pansystolic murmur + Recurrent Respiratory Infection ----> VSD 3.Which Cyanotic cardiac abnormality is compatible with life ----> TOF 4.Simple Seizures in child ----> a.< 15 per min focal b. Pale Stool 6.Echymosis, Petechies, No Visceromegaly, No Lymphadenopathy ----> ITP 7.Cerebral Palsy extra pyramidal form with choreoathetosis, cause ----> Kernicterus 8.In Sepsis, most specific Test ----> TLC 9.Patient fever, malaise splenomegaly, liikely cause ----> Severe Malaria 10.Conjuctivitis, Chorea, Runny Nose, Rashes starting from behind ears ----> Measles 11.Small Child, malaise, Jaundice, most common cause ----> Hepatitis A 12.Bulging anterior fontanelle, diplopia is due to overdose of which vitamin ----> Vitamin A 13.Lesion on left parietal bone that doesnot cross suture, it is ----> Cephalohematoma 14.Anticonvulsant drug which causes hepatotoxic Syndrome ----> Volpreic Sodium 15.Hypothermia in premature is due to all except ----> Sweating and shivering 16.Normal range of Respiratory rate in infant ----> 30-59 per min 17.Management of acute asthma attack ----> Nebulized Salbutamol 18.Most common cause of surfactant deficiency ----> Prematurity 19.PDA closes after birth in ----> Term Infant 20.Edema + raised Blood Pressure + raised Creatinine ----> a.Chronic Renal Failure b.Acute Glomerulonephritis c.Chronic Glomerulonephritis d.Nephrotic Syndrome 21.First event after administration of iron in iron deficiency anemia ----> Behaviour changes 22.Common cause of Infective Endocarditis ----> S.Virridans 23.Fever, Malaise, Bulging anterior fontanelle, which gram +ve organism is cause ----> Group B Streptococcus 24.Most common cause of cardiomyopathies ----> Viral 25.Most common cause of Meningo-encephalitis ----> Herpes Virus 26.Vitamin K deficiency ----> Bleeding form Mucous and Epithelium 27.To prevent tetanus in child, give ----> Tetanus Toxoid 28.SCENARIO ----> Typhoid 29.Which is a danger sign ----> Unable to Breastfeed 30.Child is in severe disease, when ----> Stridor on calm 31.Mother has TB, child develops cough and fever, which test to perfrom ----> Sputum Culture 32.Fever, Malaise, fits and coma, which first test to perform ----> Peripheral Blood Smear 33.Watery Diarrhea ----> Rota Virus 34.Dark Urine patient, which test to perfom ----> RBC Cast 35.Fever, Fatigue, Rigidity, Bulging anterior Fontanelle ----> S.Pneumonia ....
Posted on: Thu, 28 Nov 2013 15:28:01 +0000

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