Pelosi is at it again. Nancy Pelosi has got to be one of the - TopicsExpress


Pelosi is at it again. Nancy Pelosi has got to be one of the stupidest people on earth, and that is in addition to being a world class liar. Her latest contribution to her insanity portfolio is her claim that, if republicans when the senate in November then civilization as we know it would be in jeopardy. Check out the video clip of her royal dingbattedness. dailycaller/2014/09/12/nancy-pelosi-civilization-in-jeopardy-if-gop-takes-senate-video/ This is one of those clips you see, stories you read and expect to look over your shoulder to see that you are on Candid Camera; this woman is totally without clue….or she thinks you are. But statements like this from Pelosi illustrate one very important point about the lack of output by congress and our government; they, it speaks a different language than normal Americans. You see, for Pelosi, the mere act of not voting for a democrat is a threat to civilization, because as she says, democrats are the party of, the messengers of “hope”. And Pelosi makes the chilling prediction that they will continue to be. Great. You see, I look at things a little differently from Pelosi, because apparently I know shit, and she doesn’t know shit about shit. To me, radical Islam is a threat to civilization, not a republican victory. If we want to go down that road, far more democrats in congress have raped, pillaged and killed than have republicans (though they have stopped short of beheading). To Pelosi the rape of the nation that is Obamacare is a screaming success while I cannot find a soul that is happy with it (I have some associates that were all in the bag for it and are now FURIOUS at the outcome. By the way, I have always loved her contention that Obamacare would free people up from “job block”, which is a leftist admission that there are going to be no more jobs if democrats can help it). To Pelosi the fraud of man made global climate change is a crisis that must have billions of our dollars…….when in fact it is a hoax with dick for proof). I see A LOT wrong with the republicans…….I cannot imagine why they are so inept when the criminals of the donkey moon keep giving them SO many opportunities to be walk off heroes, but they cannot quite get it together. Even though the left lies as a matter of course, and steals as many elections as it wins, the republicans still lose the media war……and that IS our fault, that goes to the comment I wrote above that Pelosi thinks you don’t have a clue. Yes, Pelosi believes that civilization as we know it is in jeopardy if the republicans win the senate………and when it comes to her….I am not sure that is a bad thing. At least we would all be talking about the same thing.
Posted on: Sun, 14 Sep 2014 13:18:39 +0000

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