Pemmican is one of the best survival foods you could make for - TopicsExpress


Pemmican is one of the best survival foods you could make for yourself. Its good any time on or off the trail. But in a survival situation or primitive living Pemmican is a lifesaver. You have no freezer out there unless its winter. This is an excellent food preservation method we should all master. Pemmican uses 1 part jerked meat and 1 part tallow or fat from animals. Now at home jerking meat is easy but in the bush it is not so easy. Lets talk about doing it primitive. You must first aquire meat. Any meat can be jerked. Once youve got your meat cut it in thin thin thin slices no more than a 1/16 of an inch thick this will allow faster evaporation of fluid and keep flies and other bugs off as well. Build a smoking fire below your drying frame which I would suggest it be eye level where you actually hang the meat to dry (keeps scavengers off ya stuff). Use what ever flavor wood you like to smoke I use Hickory. Keep that going at a real smoky pace no big fire you dont want to cook the meat because cooked meat ruins. It will take awhile to dry but not too long and doing this allows you to eat all the meat you harvest especially on large game. While youre keeping your smoke going on that start your tallow on another medium heat fire. Take all the fat you can get off the animal. Probably wont be a lot but some how animals have enough brains to tan their own hide and enough fat to make Pemmican out of at least half their carcass. Put that fat in a pot or whatever you may have and sit on a rock in the fire. Dont let your fire get too big. Once that has melted your jerky if sliced thin enough will almost be ready sit that tallow now grease aside to cool. Not allowing it to cool some before adding cooks the meat and leads to spoilage. When the jerky is dry pound into a powder a really fine powder. If the tallow has started to solidify just heat to the point it begins to melt. Dont get too hot. You want warm tallow that you can stick your finger in and it feels like your bath water. Now begin to add the tallow to the jerky powder until its like dough. Allow this to set up or dry. Wont take long. You can ball it up like Dave does in the video but I prefer to spread it out for faster drying and cut into strips when done. You can add berries, nuts or other wild favorites at the time of mixing. This will keep in a breathable container almost indefinitely but youll probably eat it all before it could go bad. Hope you enjoy this and the video. Lets see you make some and post your video. Making Pemmican:
Posted on: Fri, 12 Dec 2014 20:14:34 +0000

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