Penpen Bugtong Takipsilim P erforming as a doctor,a poet,an - TopicsExpress


Penpen Bugtong Takipsilim P erforming as a doctor,a poet,an artist,a businessman E minent and special awardee as Father of Visual Poetry N oble ideas are embodied in his poems P roduct of a Tanayan community E ccentric are his vissions and insights N ovelty is his fantasy come true B oundless imagination that encompasses the universe U nusual ideas that astound the readers G enerosity at work when he donated his $10,000-worth-book,PENTASI B,to prominent libraries in the world T echnically oriented and updated O utstanding accomplishment of an optimist N otable blending of poem,painting,music and prose G reat is his book that it is now displayed at the National Library of the Philippines on the same level as the books of Dr. Jose Rizal T antalizing is his PENTASI B A uthentic are his documents of awards K ey to a novel approach in poetry,a challenge to the academe I nnovations that marvelled his colleages P ENTASI B:a boon to the world of poetry,arts and humanity S age and only a sage can create and invent PENTASI B I nspires the seemingly hopeless hearts L aurels to the Filipino poet,much more so a Tanayan I ngenious and versatile in his fields of endeavor M issionary to inspire, to heal, to awaken for a better society,humanity and world peace.
Posted on: Mon, 15 Dec 2014 16:37:59 +0000

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