Pentecostalism is one of the most dangerous religion in the world - TopicsExpress


Pentecostalism is one of the most dangerous religion in the world today. I compare them with the Catholicism. Their teaching are not biblical and when they are they are taken out context. Pentecostalism teaches one must work to keep their salvation, While Catholicism teaches one must work to receive their salvation. They do not believe in the trinity. They believe that Jesus and God are same person rather then they are separate people. The Latter Rain Movement is an influence within Pentecostalism which teaches that the Lord is pouring out His Spirit again, as He did at Pentecost, and using believers to prepare the world for His Second Coming. The Latter Rain Movement is anti-dispensational and amillennial, and many leaders of the movement embrace aberrant teachings. The term “latter rain” was first used early in the history of Pentecostalism, when David Wesley Myland wrote a book called Latter Rain Songs in 1907. Three years later, Myland wrote The Latter Rain Covenant, a defense of Pentecostalism in general. The name comes from Joel 2:23, “Be glad then, ye children of Zion, and rejoice in the LORD your God: for He hath given you the former rain moderately, and He will cause to come down for you the rain, the former rain, and the latter rain in the first month.” Pentecostals interpreted the “rain” in this verse as an outpouring of the Holy Spirit. The “latter rain” (the end-times outpouring) would be greater than the “former rain.” In 1948, a “revival” broke out in Saskatchewan, Canada, and the teachings of the Latter Rain movement were clarified. Those involved in the revival were convinced that they were on the verge of a new era, one in which the Holy Spirit would demonstrate His power in a greater way than the world had ever seen. Not even the age of the apostles, they said, had witnessed such a movement of the Holy Spirit. Latter Rain teaching is characterized by a highly typological hermeneutic. That is, the Bible is interpreted in a symbolic, extremely stylized manner. An emphasis is placed on extra-biblical revelation, such as personal prophecies, experiences, and directives straight from God. Latter Rain doctrine includes the following beliefs: -the gifts of the Spirit, including tongues, are received through the laying on of hands - Christians can be demonized and require deliverance - God has restored all the offices of ministry to the Church, including apostle and prophet - divine healing can be administered through the laying on of hands - praise and worship will usher God into our presence - women have a full and equal ministry role in the Church - denominational lines will be destroyed, and the Church will unify in the last days - the “latter rain” will bring God’s work to completion; the Church will be victorious over the world and usher in Christ’s kingdom Many “apostles” in the Latter Rain Movement also teach the doctrine of “the manifest sons of God.” This is a heretical doctrine which says that the Church will give rise to a special group of “overcomers” who will receive spiritual bodies, becoming immortal. It is important to note that the Assemblies of God deemed the Latter Rain Movement to contain heresy from the very beginning. On April 20, 1949, the Assemblies of God officially denounced Latter Rain teaching, nearly splitting the denomination in the process. Other established Pentecostal groups have passed similar resolutions. Today, the term “latter rain” is rarely used, but the theology of Latter Rain continues to exert an influence. Most branches of the Charismatic Movement adhere to Latter Rain teaching. Modern movements such as the Brownsville/Pensacola Revival, the Toronto Blessing, and the “holy laughter” phenomenon are a direct result Latter Rain theology. Note they believe in speaking in tongues, prophets/ apostles, healers and believe in the one world religion just as the catholic. If these teachers truly knew and understand God word. They would not be teaching so many false doctrines. Actually the Pentecostalism and Catholicism are merging into a one world religion along with Islam and other denominations and religions. Before you get made because I am shining light on your darkness, Look the scripture. They claim that God and Jesus are same person. Please explain how Christ was taken His place ON THE RIGHT OF GOD if they are same person? Now look at self appointed apostles, The Pentecostal claim one can be a apostles and prophet. The problem with is the bible only speaks of 12 Apostles and all had to witness the death and resurrection of Christ Apostleship First Requirement of an Apostle--An Eye Witness to the Resurrection In Acts 1, Judas (the one who betrayed Christ) had already committed suicide and the remaining eleven apostles want to replace him. The name apostle is a particular name of these twelve men even though there are other men that probably have the gift of apostleship such as Barnabas, Silas, possibly James and a couple of others. However, the prime focal point is on these twelve men. As the eleven apostles seek to replace Judas, there are certain requirements that person will have to meet. The first requirement of an apostle is that he must have had a firsthand experience of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. One of these (apostles) must become a witness with us of His resurrection (Acts 1:22). Paul defends his apostleship with proof that he, too, had seen the resurrected Christ. Am I not free? Am I not an apostle? Have I not seen Jesus our Lord? (1 Cor. 9:1). Some have said that Paul was not really an eye witness of Christs resurrection just as the Corinthians were doubting Pauls right as an apostle. In answer to that doubt, Paul reviews Christs order of appearances, and that He appeared to Cephas (Peter), then to the twelve (1 Cor. 15:5). After that He appeared to more than five hundred brethren at one time . . . then He appeared to James, then to all the apostles (1 Cor. 15:6,7). Then Christ appeared to Paul! and last of all, as it were to one untimely born, He appeared to me also (1 Cor. 15:8). There Are No Apostles Today So we can see that is no way one can be true Apostles today according to the Bible. Prophet; Prophet and speaking in tongues both were temporal gift. Prophecy What Is a Prophet? Basically, a prophet had the ability to receive direct revelation from God and then to communicate that revelation to men. Some identify the gift of prophecy with the gift of preaching today, but that is not correct because the key element is missing -- a preacher does not get his messages directly from God. A pastor gets his message from the Word of God (hopefully), but God does not appear to him in dreams and visions or by speaking directly to him. Since a prophet got his message from God, it was free from error, which obviously is not the case today! God cannot communicate mistakes! If God had so garbled the message He wanted to reveal to man and there were so many mistakes that the meaning was not clear, then God would not have revealed Himself at all. Prophecy Is Necessary Only for Additional Revelation The gift of prophecy is only necessary when God wants to give additional revelation (when He wants to reveal more of Himself than He has revealed up to that point in time). A person who says the gift of prophecy is present today is in the same breath saying the Bible is not complete and that we need more material revealed from God. However, God says the Bible is complete and there is no additional revelation. I testify to everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: if anyone adds to them, God shall add to him the plagues which are written in this book (Rev. 22:18). Tongues Tongues Refer to Earthly Languages The gift of tongues was a supernatural ability to speak an earthly foreign language without special training. Tongues comes from the word glossa, so the word glossalalia means to speak in tongues. The word tongues (glossa), when used in the New Testament, either refers to the physical tongue and its basic meaning or to the language that the tongue speaks. To begin a study of tongues, get a concordance and look up the word tongue (glossa), and look at all the places it is used and how it is used. In the following references (not a complete list) every time the word tongue (glossa) is used, it always refers to an earthly foreign language: Revelation 5:9; 7:9; 10:11; 11:9. Law of First Mention In hermeneutics (the study of interpreting the Scripture), there is a Law of First Mention which simply refers to the fact that the first mention of an area, a fact or a word, becomes a pattern for subsequent uses of that word or expression or phenomenon. The first mention of speaking in tongues in the Bible is found in Acts 2:4: And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit was giving them utterance. Other tongues is the Greek word glossa. All the different people present are listed in verses 9 and 10. These various groups of people are saying that they hear what is being said in their own language (verse 11). Tongues an earthly language is further substantiated in Acts 2:6, And when this sound occurred, the multitude came together, and were bewildered, because they were each one hearing them speak in his own language. The Greek word used here for language is dialect, but glossa and dialect are used interchangeably so glossa has to mean an earthly language. (Dialect is also used in verse 8.) The gift of tongues was Spirit-motivated speech (Acts 2:4) in a particular language as we have already established. Now it would be hard to believe that the Spirit today is motivating believers to speak in babblings or ecstatic speech, because that is contrary to what God did when He first gave this ability. Unless there is good reason to think that God changed this particular ability and gift, we have to assume that the gift of tongues will be the same throughout the entire Bible. Gift of Tongues Was a Sign to Unbelievers and a Sign of Judgment to Israel So then tongues are for a sign, not to those who believe, but to unbelievers (1 Cor. 14:22). In verse 21, the Old Testament is quoted to substantiate that one of the basic purposes of tongues is to be a sign for unbelievers, but also tongues were a sign to the Jewish nation that they were to be judged for their unbelief (Deut. 28:49). Anytime there is a foreign language being spoken among the Jews, it is a sign that God is judging the nation Israel because these foreigners would have conquered Israel (Isa. 28:9 13). Isaiah foretells the judgment God is going to bring on Israel. The particular people here who have stammering lips and a foreign tongue are the Assyrians. The presence of the Assyrian language in Israel is an indication and a sign to Israel that God is judging them for their unbelief. Tongues Were One of the Sign Gifts The sign gifts, remember, were temporary gifts to validate the ministry of the apostles (2 Cor. 12:12). Tongues are specifically called a sign in 1 Corinthians 14:22. Once a message had been confirmed by signs and wonders, there was no longer a need for further confirmation (Heb. 2:3 4). The Gift of Tongues Is not Present Today What about the ecstatic speech that is a common phenomenon today? Speaking in tongues as it is practiced today is not Biblical tongues. (We have already established that Biblical tongues refers to foreign languages.) The babblings of today have their origin in the mystery cults of ancient Greece and the Roman Empire, and it was practiced by unbelievers.
Posted on: Tue, 11 Nov 2014 17:01:42 +0000

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