“People all over the world should unite in the fight against - TopicsExpress


“People all over the world should unite in the fight against governments who are only interested in making the very rich even richer.” There is not a government in the developed world that is not under Anglo American Corporate control. Which means the control of the wealthy elite whose ultimate aim is to enslave humanity. It has become clear since the GFC that Government policy is aimed at benefiting the rich at the expense of the poor. Not only did the rich benefit from the crimes committed in fueling the Housing crisis, they escaped punishment for their crimes and further benefited from the subsequent bailouts, QE and ZIRP. These government policies are responsible for the biggest transfer of wealth from the tax payer to private individuals the world has ever seen. Bailouts, QE and ZIRP have been nothing short of theft and everyone should be outraged. The too big to fail are now even bigger and growing in power and influence their crimes more brazen the stronger they get as governments continue to funnel wealth from tax payer to elite. Have no doubt every time governments borrow more money be it for for wars, social security programs or green energy initiatives we are feeding the coffers of the rich. As things currently stand every country is in debt to these private bankers and most countries will never be able to repay this debt, in effect we are already debt slaves. There never was a need for Americans or any other central bank to borrow from private bankers and because the banking system is a criminal extortion racket and a Ponzi scheme neither should they have to pay the interest. There can be only one one logical outcome to the growing wealth and income inequality and that is humanity will become slaves to the elite we will once again become surfs, debt slaves cannon fodder and toys for the rich. alternet.org/economy/global-power-elite-exposed
Posted on: Mon, 17 Jun 2013 03:25:01 +0000

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