People are hungry but the Republican/Tea Party politicians want to - TopicsExpress


People are hungry but the Republican/Tea Party politicians want to punish them by denying food. Women need health care, health education but the Republican/Tea Party politicians want to dismantle Planned Parenthood clinics. People are sick but the Republican/Tea Party politicians want to take away health insurance opportunities. People want to make their one vote count but Republican/Tea Party politicians want to cut back on that piece of democracy. People want to find commonality in race relations but the Republican/Tea Party want to segregate blame and separate the races. People just want to marry the one they love but the Republican/Tea Party want to prevent the legality of love. People want a fair chance to create a home in America, paying taxes, working, going to school but the Republican/Tea Party want to build fences, moats, bureaucracies to stop just anyone from becoming a citizen. People want to breathe fresh, clean air but Republican/Tea Party politicians prefer the stench of of corporate greed over a clean environment. What is it about this current crop of Republican/Tea Party politicians that continue to dismember free choice, equality, and justice for all? What is it about this cadre of Republican/Tea Party politicians that makes them prefer a Christian dominated land replete with religious Fascist overtones ignoring separation from Church and State and refusing the pursuit of happiness for anyone deemed an enemy of the state? State after Republican/Tea Party dominated state legislatures are inventing laws to deny women freedom for their bodies, equal wages for the same jobs as men, and freedom of choice. State after Republican/Tea Party dominated state legislatures are limiting its citizens a fair chance at the polls, lessening early voting, initiating harsher ID laws, focusing in on minority communities in hoping to dissuade their participation in the democratic process. State after Republican/Tea Party dominated state legislatures are insisting that guns are the answer to justice and you can stand your ground if you are not a person of color. State after Republican/Tea Party dominated state legislatures want to punish you because you are hungry, call you a fool because you are unemployed, hate you because you might need medical care. State after Republican/Tea Party dominated state legislatures talk about how Christian they are, how the Christian religion is caring, loving, morally correct but insist on ignoring the poor, the elderly, the children and those who only need a helping hand. At first many of us thought this divisiveness was a fad. We thought it was a bunch of angry people who needed a scapegoat to divert their own stigma of bias and bigotry. We were sure those who cared more about fact and less about fiction and fantasy would prevail. FOX News was laughable, Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin cartoon characters grossly overrated. At first we thought this is America surely democracy, decency would prevail. We thought we had learned from our history the failures of hate via the Salem witch trials/ Slavery/Jim Crow laws/ Are you now or have you ever been a Communist/ Japanese detention centers/ No blacks, no Jews no dogs communities/ Segregated schools/ work places and bathrooms/ Anti Sharia laws. We were told how history was our best education, learn from its failures and faults. But somehow, we have a new breed of Republican/Tea Party bandits who just want to steal away any freedoms, rob of us of equality and hold democracy up at gun point. This is scary, scary reality and this is not my America!
Posted on: Thu, 25 Jul 2013 18:36:41 +0000

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