People are seemingly taking great delight in posting ever - TopicsExpress


People are seemingly taking great delight in posting ever increasingly close up pictures, from articles about the influx of large spiders, under the guise of ways to keep them at bay. These are making me have mild shock and panic attacks when I open up their posts and am thus confronted. Hence, I have simply copied the relevant narrative below - WITHOUT THE PICTURE. I WILL UNFRIEND THE NEXT PERSON WHO DOES THAT, as its beginning to smack of sheer devilment. That is all The Derby Telegraphs story last week about giant spiders about to descend on Derbyshire had many people all of a quiver. Here is our guide on ways in which you can keep the air-breathing arthropods at bay! Horse chestnuts are known to repel spiders, although it is not known why. Chestnuts, walnuts and the fruit of the Osage orange tree appear to have a similar effect. Some speculate that some form of noxious chemical is emitted in the scent. To maximise this, try poking holes into a few horse chestnuts, or cutting them open, and leaving them where you are most likely to find spiders. Spiders cannot tolerate the smell of the following essential oils: citrus, lavender, cinnamon, citronella, peppermint, tea tree or eucalyptus. Dilute 15 – 20 drops in a spray bottle of water and spray around the entrances to your home, or dab some undiluted onto balls of cotton wool and leave in likely hiding places. Alternatively, mix five drops of any of the above oils with five drops of natural dishwashing liquid and one litre of water and spray once a week onto areas where you have seen spiders. Also try growing mint or lavender around the outside of your house. Scatter a fine layer of diatomaceous earth, made from naturally-formed fossils of a water creature called the diatom (its available from hardware stores), anywhere you expect a spider to be. When a spider crosses over the substance, its exterior gets cut open and its bodily fluids leak out, killing it. Vinegar is both repellent and toxic to spiders. Place small dishes in dark corners to act as a repellent, or spray an equal mix of white vinegar and water onto any spider you see. Or replace vinegar with chilli powder or sauce. Wipe surfaces with a mix of any citrus juice and water, as spiders cannot stand citrus fruits. Also try placing citrus peels in your garden. Wipe outside window frames with kerosene-soaked newspapers. The combination of the ink and the kerosene dries almost immediately, leaving a residue that repels spiders. Mix 12 ounces of five percent distilled white vinegar with a tablespoon of coconut oil and spray anywhere you are likely to find a spider. Read more: Follow us: @DerbyTelegraph on Twitter | derbytelegraph on Facebook Read more at
Posted on: Mon, 22 Sep 2014 17:03:10 +0000

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