People are shocked that I can train people online without ever - TopicsExpress


People are shocked that I can train people online without ever meeting them. Really, its not shocking. The people who hire me, get it. Fundamentally they listened during physics and health class in high school. They have all the information needed to develop common sense or wisdom that can be filtered through a bit of science. What they call me in for is to further filter and be objective. While you can train yourself its helpful to have a peer be objective. These clients are separate from people I meet day to day. The day to day pedestrians have real estate and sometimes investment property, are world traveled, understanding complex automobile leasing agreements and quite often have extensive educational resumes. The fact is,.. it doesnt really prep them for thinking. They believe in ghosts, horoscopes, 9/11 conspiracies, Wheat Belly, anti vaccine hype, detox/cleansing and the tooth fairy. They also have this narcissistic quality that they are somehow special. Like a snowflake and exist in a world of unicorns and rainbows. They are biochemically different. Well, we are different.. just not THAT different. Why am I correct about this? Well we live in a land of abundance where you can buy 10,000 calories at 7/11 for about 10 bucks. Try that in Somalia. So its easy to get fat. Rather than address a simple problem of physics and food, they will spend massive funds on clothing, trying to hide or masquerade the large, squishy, energy blobs hanging on their body. Like a giant gorilla in the room that everyone is ignoring. Then they will expound upon some orthopedic injury that needs fixed for hours, as if adding 80 pounds of FAT is good for weak knees. Why did I take the time to write this? Well, here is a clue. Learn to THINK. Actually think. It really works.
Posted on: Fri, 11 Jul 2014 18:00:45 +0000

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