People are so pissed at Oprah and Im just like... Shes got a - TopicsExpress


People are so pissed at Oprah and Im just like... Shes got a point... even if her choice of words are polarizing. If this movement is going to be a successful one then were going to have to kick it old school. This means, establishing clear workflows and protocols. We have to be humble and realize that there are older generations who have been in this game longer (regardless of success rates) and that have insights about (if nothing else) what not to do. Extremely crucial is the clarity to recognize the medias goal of being divisive. They will use limelight to propel celebrities; typically those best at mobilizing people when what we need is for mobilizers to link up with critical thinking, educated (possibly scholars) leaders. We also need for older generations to find the humility to have a seat in the back and realize that although we need your wisdom this is, in fact, a youth led movement and if were going to maximize effectiveness, it has to stay that way. Stop waiting for us to pat you on the back for all the work youve done previous to our uprising, thats not going to happen. Invite yourself into our spaces. Be ginger when asserting your knowledge and realize that youre immense amount of experience does not invalidate the experiences of young people. Honestly, F**** Oprah for pointing out problems that she could clearly be helping to provide solutions to instead of pursuing profits based on stories that belong to ALL OF US. Yeah, F*** her but realize that she has a point. Marching and protesting are great but we need to know who our protests are aimed at? Elected officials are sitting in their offices right now thinking... Oh, theyre protesting again? Why though? They havent asked for anything yet!? What do we expect? That theyll start writing bills and passing laws on our behalf based on what THEY THINK we are trying to gain? ISNT THAT WHAT GOT US INTO THIS PROBLEM IN THE FIRST DAMN PLACE?!
Posted on: Sat, 03 Jan 2015 16:59:34 +0000

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