People are standing up against the status quo all across the - TopicsExpress


People are standing up against the status quo all across the globe...a few excerpts from this fine poem: What heartbreaking treason against Ireland, aided and abetted by her own sons and daughters, the rape of our Nation, the ransom of our waters. And for what? To bail out gamblers unwilling to repay their debts, who having lost, retrieve their bets, clutching a crippled currency and at a fever pitch, crying Capitalism for the poor...Socialism for the rich. Anglo bankers, with numbers they picked out of their arses, gaily playing that most elaborate of farces, an economic party game of musical chairs...and Ireland left standing...without theirs. Unceremoniously unseated, and by its own apathy - defeated. No More. Ireland will rise and topple these traitors, these political tyrants, these tin pot dictators. These arrogant villains with the barefaced temerity, to practice PROFIT and preach AUSTERITY. WE hold the power and that is the truth. It exists beyond the polling booth. We hold the power and this is true - the only power they have, they borrowed from YOU. ...a dark resignation to the state of our nation, and so for years weve played the political musical chairs. We played our part and they played theirs. They smiled and lied as if it grieved them, and we for our part pretended to believe them. And so it goes every few years, ad nauseum, we install new lions in the Colosseum ...and smiling at our politicians re-arranged, we have the gall to wonder why nothing has changed. Nothing has changed because WE have not changed - and nothing WILL change until WE change. We are doomed if we seek compassion in inhumanity, it is the very definition of insanity. To repeat yourself, with each time new results expected, when it is Tweetle Dee or Tweetle Dum we have elected. But revolution is all for naught if we do not awaken and take responsibility for our part in this partaking. The Devils deal we struck: to sleep...and let the demons run amok. The triumph of evil requires only the silence of good men and women in the face of this violence. Do not remain silent while others fight, go not go gentle into that good night. It is time our intentions informed our actions... We are not willing to gift our children into debt slavery and sell their birthright. For we have the heart and the bravery to rise, for their sake if not our own.
Posted on: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 15:53:00 +0000

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