People ask me from time to time if I miss working for The Park - TopicsExpress


People ask me from time to time if I miss working for The Park Service. My reply would be yes. Yes I miss the good things about the Park Service and working for the government. In these photos I had the privilege to be able to go for two tours to Hurricane Katrina. I was there right after it hit, to help people in need. The biggest blessing I received from that massive amount of chaos, was a little lady shown here. She was a window and was being ripped off by a contractor. So I contacted the authorities, a sting was set up, he was caught, and she got her money back. To me, that was just doing my job and nothing else. It another picture here, I found a baby Blue Jay. Could not find the nest, so I took it home and raised it until it could go on its own. To me, the Park Service stood for what is good about America. That is the part that I miss. I never minded being called out on a day off, or the middle of the night for an emergency, it was part of the job. The part I dont miss is the petty politics. The favoritism to employees whos only motivation is to be there to get a check. Government employees get a bad rap, that is a fact. It is the employees who get jobs because of who they know, or ones who get them because they give some politician a big donation. It is employees who are placed in management positions who have no ability to manage people or anything else. This is why government employees get a bad rap. Nobody wants to talk about the employees who go help people when a natural disaster occurs. Nobody talks about the thousands of loyal men and women who go out there on the fire lines to fight fires. They only choose to see the bad things that the bad employees do. Remember responding one day to an older man who was just about to have a heat stroke, found the man, took care of him and had him ready for the extraction. Remember the head Ranger telling me good save. Those two words were worth more than a million dollars. For I knew that man could eventually be with his family again. Remember doing a carry out on a WWII Vet. I remember the good things about the job. I seen Park Rangers as a child, ant to me they were bigger than life people, they were to be admired, they stood for the good in America. I say this to the Head of The National Park Service now, this is the direction the Park Service should be going in. What has become of doing the right thing, simply because it is the right thing to do!!
Posted on: Sun, 16 Nov 2014 00:53:16 +0000

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