People ask me quite often if Im happy with where I am in life. On - TopicsExpress


People ask me quite often if Im happy with where I am in life. On some days, I am. On other days, not so much. But you know what? Overall, Im very happy. As Ive gotten older, Ive realized the important things in life. Ive realized that success means nothing in terms of happiness. I think all of you know that I am far from successful...but Im happy. Yes, I might be closing in on my 30s and STILL dont understand where I am in this world...but I -am- happy. Do you know why Im happy? I never let go of my childhood. Day in and day out, so many of you post things to me that are Star Wars related...and I dont think any of you understand how happy that makes me. I am a nerd. I am a geek. And Im damned proud of it! I will never let go of the one thing in my childhood that made me happy, and that was and still is to this day....STAR WARS! So I wanna put out a challenge to all of you...stop for a moment and think back to your childhood. Who was that person, and why were they so happy? Are you happy today? If not...maybe you need to bring back that child. Stop buying in to all this bullshit that we have to grow up and be somebody....stop worrying about making everyone else happy, and make yourself happy. Lets all give our childhood self a big hug...and welcome them back in to our lives. What did you want to be when you grew up? A doctor? A lawyer? A Jedi? Open your arms...welcome back your inner-child. We only have one shot at life, guys and gals....lets make it count. Below is a video I found on YouTube of a family watching The Empire Strikes Back and it makes me so happy inside. This is what I want in life. And this is what I am working towards. Not by being in college, or busting my ass at work...but by following what I love. Some day I will have this. And until then...Ill continue to play my video games and watch my Star Wars movies. And Ill be damned if I let anyone make me feel shitty for it. I know so many of you are working on achieving your dreams as well. So make it happen, friends! Follow your heart...and never give up! Due to the respect I have for most of you, I wont tag anyone in this post. But if you know that I am talking to you...hit the like button. Let me know you wont give in and let go of that inner child. Lets prove the world wrong...
Posted on: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 04:54:08 +0000

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