People ask why you dont want visitors when you have the baby.... - TopicsExpress


People ask why you dont want visitors when you have the baby.... Uhhhhhhhh simple, the doctors and nurses already get on your nerves coming in the room every hour about something esp when youre trying to rest and two I dont feel like seeing faces I aint seen in years or hearing voices of people I only have casually spoken too once or twice in the year... Yall know how black folks do, come to the hospital unannounced bearing no gifts or anything for the well being of the baby or mother, all they come with is their hands to try to peel the blanket off the baby face so that they can see what the baby look like!!! Or just to check out the scene to go run their mouth... Its sad that it is that way but everybody intentions dont be good and Aint nobody got time for that... I aint trying to be negative but Im just keeping it real... We only want to be surrounded by people that genuinely love and care for us and If you aint family or immediate friends of me and the father just keep that a$$ at home... For everybody sake!!! Cause LK can turn into a straight fool baby, you better believe it!!!
Posted on: Tue, 05 Aug 2014 23:06:36 +0000

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