People called him stone hearted,even his friends,little did they - TopicsExpress


People called him stone hearted,even his friends,little did they know thatvit was just a hard cover over his soft and delicate heart. He was sweet and fun loving he did not much care about what people thought of him. He was a complete party and hangout freak. He was also a big flirt but never hurted any girls emotions such sweet was his ways,but when he was hurt he never let a drop of tear escape his eyes. This was why people called him stone hearted. But soon people were to realise it was not true. It was his first day in physics tution while he entered the tution late,as if a hunk. He pushed a girl while making way to get in,when the girl exclaimed, who is this new sample in our tution, huh!. and her friends giggled. He did not bother to react and got in and sat down. The girl then forgot about him soon and got busy with her life and did not know even a bit,that he indeed noticed her. She was a sweet, chubby, attractive, beautiful, and an extrovert,she was a centre of attention in her physics tution for her funny reactions. One fine day she recieved a friend request in facebook from the same guy and not thinking much she accepted it. Suddenly a message popped up in her inbox from him saying , hey, you know me, right? And she replied back saying, kinda,you are the new physics tution guy, right?. This conversation started a new friendship, which soon cluminated into flirting, from his sid. Little were they aware that cupid had some stupid plan for them. Soon it was her birthday and he playfully asked for a treat,to which she said that she would give him a treat only if he promised to give her a precious gift. Without thinking anything he promised to give her,his most precious possession. Then it was her birthday on 4th july,her birthday and he kept his promise. He gave her his most precious thing he had, his heart. He proposed her being totally unaware of her past,cause as he hid his feelings in a hard shell, she hid it behind her bright smile. She confessed to him about everything about her worst past, and explained to him how difficult for her to regain trust on someone and accept his love. However she trusted love and strangely could not bear an inch of anyones pain espeacially his cause she once went through the same phase. She knew he would go away after being rejected but she did not want him to leave cause she promised him her friendship for lifetime and it was difficult to see him in oain cause she never wanted to be the reason of anyones pain not cosciously atleast. But he could not stay cause his love for her was getting stronger and he could not bare the pain of not having her with him. But she promised to that she would with him anytime he needed but not in a way he wished. But his love for her was so profound that he agreed to be with her in way which would make her comfortable. Hence does not always means having the person to be yours but sometimes it means to be with the person as the person is yours or someone else. And always remember love and only grow never end. So keep loving whether the person is yours or not but your love for that person is the most special thing more than that person be happy that you atleast you have love in your heart than nothing or hatred. Oeindrila ♡♡ A page reader
Posted on: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 05:58:19 +0000

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