People disgust me! I am so furious right now I cant see straight! - TopicsExpress


People disgust me! I am so furious right now I cant see straight! I am SO SICK of seeing my kid get shit on by life! Whichever employee at TGI Fridays downtown stole that purse tonight, I hope you know that $300 you are probably getting high or drunk on, you took from a young single mom who is doing everything she can to provide a life for her and her son. But you probably already know that because I know that is all she talks about. So I hope you sleep well tonight, you low-life ignorant thief knowing that what you took was everything she had. Maybe you will find enough of a conscience to keep the money but at least return the purse, which you can easily see is full of personal things that belong to her and her baby! And to the managers that kept letting employees leave even after she reported it and didnt find it reasonable to call the police and file a report till I got there and raised hell, I hope you enjoy finding someone to replace her, to work the long hours, come in and work a double after being there till 12:30 at night, and doing everybody elses job while also doing her own. To any of my local FB friends, I strongly urge you not to patronize this establishment. They hire thieves, dont protect their employees and dont appreciate the hard work put in by their honest employees.
Posted on: Mon, 14 Jul 2014 06:07:00 +0000

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