People do not come to see me because the did not get arrested. I - TopicsExpress


People do not come to see me because the did not get arrested. I usually only hear the bad stories. But ever once in a while I get a report from someone who reads this page and knows his rights and knows what to do during a police encounter. Here is a report that I just received. The guy asked me not to use his name: I was pulled over a few minutes ago in Broken Arrow, within just a couple blocks of my house. I apparently had an improper lane usage, went for the turn lane into my neighborhood way to soon, before the 200ft limit. Gave the cop my id and insurance and he told me what I had done. Goes and runs his checks, comes back and gives me a $155 ticket for the improper lane change and $299 for no insurance (even though he could see I had a good valid policy, I just apparently didnt have up to date cards) . He then asks if I mind answering a few questions and letting him look around my car. I promptly told him, in a calm and respectful manner, that I was not consenting to any searches and I was not answering any questions. He then pulled the good ol well, if you dont have anything to hide you shouldnt mind me looking around. I then asked am I free to go or am I being detained? He didnt answer that and proceeded to ask to search my car again. I once again told him, very calmly, that I was not consenting to any searches and I was not answering any questions. He just kinda looked at me and then told me I was free to go and have a good evening. Easy as that. Good thing I knew my rights and what to say because I had a tiny bit of a super harmless plant that I was taking home to enjoy that they probably would have put me in jail for. Im not even a client and Ive learned this is how to handle it from your facebook posts. I think others need to take notice as well
Posted on: Thu, 08 May 2014 22:53:42 +0000

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