People dont realize that when someone writes a book it isnt an - TopicsExpress


People dont realize that when someone writes a book it isnt an automatic thing where they just know the books are available and run right out and buy them. A previously unpublished first time writer absolutely has to be noticed by newspapers like The New York Times Book Review, The Washington Post, The Chicago Tribune Books, The Los Angeles Times Books, USA Today, but again, getting them to look at a press release and do a story is a near impossibility, well, unless you have the money to pay someone to write a press release for you and even then it takes a lot of luck, and that is even more true with getting a book review because the first thing is having money to print copies to give away and then you are rolling the dice on the books actually being read so there is the possibility of throwing away a lot of money you dont have in the first place, Then there is the more direct approach, buy advertising space in the paper and announce your books yourself, and the really hilarious thing about putting an ad like that in the New York Times is you can by a new car for what it takes to take out an ad in that paper. Right now because I am relying on minor promos and trying the social media approach because I cant afford bigger and more reliable possibilities I have sold two sets of the books in print, given away 154 Kindle copies of Part One and sold 3 Kindle copies of Book 2. And according to the deal with Amazon I dont collect royalties until there is as much as $100 to pay out in royalties so at the moment I have made nothing since the books were published on April 1st. So, we come back around to spreading the news through social media, Facebook and Twitter and that means relying on friends to click LIKE, SHARE, FOLLOW, make comments, leave reviews where books are purchased, at Amazon and Barnes & Noble. Friends, and FAMILY too, feeling a little high and dry out here. LIKE SHARE FOLLOW REVIEW COMMENT, these are all little things that take a few minutes and ask yourself, if you were asking would I take the time for you?
Posted on: Sun, 11 May 2014 12:28:01 +0000

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