People following Christ sometimes find the closer they get, the - TopicsExpress


People following Christ sometimes find the closer they get, the more difficult the journey. I want you to realize two things.. 1-You are fighting a spiritual battle for your soul, and our short time on earth is where we are battle tested & refined in Gods ways. If we hand a child everything they want, they become spoiled and pout when things arent perfect. Its the same with Gods children (you). Your salvation is free (only because Jesus paid), however, standing firm in the Holy Spirit & learning to deal with the enemy is a art that is taught through persevering the attacks sent by Satan against us. 2- You have to learn to follow/love God regardless of your situation. We have failed God through sin and will continue to fail, yet we expect God to love us anyway (and he always does). We should love God unconditionally in return, meaning dont pout at every bad thing that happens & blame him. This life is short and Satan is free to tempt us with sin & trials to detour us from God. Satan does NOT have authority to actually separate us from God, but only to try & break our will to serve God. The Lord has given US full authority through our own free will to accept or reject his love (totally our choice). We have to make the choices to follow the will of God and be strong. The reward is eternal and the grind will soon be over. Dont miss it~
Posted on: Thu, 13 Nov 2014 01:39:28 +0000

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