People have accused me of not taking a stance on things going on - TopicsExpress


People have accused me of not taking a stance on things going on in society; so, I thought I would actually make a statement for a change. Feel free to ignore it, take me off your friends list, blah blah blah. But every once in awhile, it is important that I get this stuff off my chest before I explode. My only request to you, the reader, please remain civil in the comments section and not reduce yourselves to name-calling or petty arguing. Ready? Now, I dont always agree with Oliver, but he definitely hits the nail on the head about the crisis going on in Ferguson. After the shooting, the police in the town have done absolutely nothing to really quell the fears and rioting going on in the city since they are too busy playing the old fashion game of Covering their Asses. Their charade that was called a press conference was nothing more than a smear campaign against Michael Brown in a manner that had absolutely zilch to do with the fact he was gunned down *six times* with his hands raised in the air. This was confirmed in every investigation and even the most recent autopsy report. The Ferguson Police Departments hole was dug even deeper by denying that reporters were tear gassed and arrested when video and detailed photographs more than clearly identified otherwise. Now, one disagreement I have with some on this issue is I honestly dont believe every police officer are hunters out to corral the populace, nor do I think rioting and looting will solve anything but beget more unnecessary violence. However, the bottom line is this: There is absolutely no reason whatsoever for the police to be militarized in the manner they were which led to nothing but Fallujah-esque tactics and chaos. Let this be a lesson to end this disturbing problem. The streets need to be patrolled against real crime, not full of armored tanks blasting everyone or everything down in sheer paranoia. THE FORMATION OF A POLICE STATE MUST END NOW!
Posted on: Tue, 19 Aug 2014 06:50:31 +0000

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