People have asked me time and again... I am working towards - TopicsExpress


People have asked me time and again... I am working towards something but at times I feel stuck or lost or incapable of getting to where I want to go. How do I truly let go to let what I want flow to me? The answer is as plain and simple as your heart. You know that expression, Home is where the heart is. All of your power is in your heart. Your soul is your heart, it is embedded there. The entire essence of you and who you really are is housed there. You will never get where you need to go by utilizing your brain or your eyes or other people. You use all of those things to pinpoint exactly what it is that you want. That is always the primary step to getting what you want. However, getting it to flow to you is a completely different approach. Stop thinking, stop seeing and observing, stop feeding your ego and self-esteem with others. LET GO AND START FEELING. Once you let go and rely completely on your heart, your soul to guide you, things will flow to you exactly as you want them. All your magic, all your power is right there. Do you feel it right now? Once you let go, there is no more fear, no more angst, no more negative feelings, no more second-guessing, no more unnecessary distractions. You will find in that space exactly who you are, how loved and powerful you are, and that you are capable of doing anything. The heart then allows you to move and move with ease and without resistance. Everyone creates their own resistance with the external. Once you know how to get rid of that, anything and everything then becomes available to you. The path was always intended to be easy. You just have to allow it to be how it is intended to be
Posted on: Sat, 11 Oct 2014 11:47:24 +0000

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