People have asked me to post my speech up from yesterdays March in - TopicsExpress


People have asked me to post my speech up from yesterdays March in March. So here it is! Again, thank you so much for coming, it was an amazing turnout... Lets hope the media covers it more on tonights news! Ps. The following might have grammatical errors (for all the keyboard warriors playing at home, just looking to get me on something), but I wrote it for myself to understand when speaking! Anyways ;) enjoy! Hello everybody! Thank you for your support in attending March in March, Wollongong! We are amazed with the turnout and really glad that you could all make it! So, we have a few people who will be talking today, before we march. I have a few words to say and I think Amelia will say something afterwards… I’ll get the ball rolling.. Some of you are here because the environment is being threatened by our government, others in response to the policies that are affecting refugees. Some of you are concerned about changes to Medicare, the NDIS, mismanagement of foreign affairs, marriage inequality, discrimination towards women, the lack of a science minister, the list goes on… Whatever your reason or reasons for coming to this peaceful rally, the fact is; that we are united here today.. Not united by the fact that many of us are wearing yellow. Not united by our dissapointment with Labour, The Liberal & National Party, or The Greens, or Tony Abbott. But united by the core fact that we demand, and deserve, better of our country’s leaders. We want to be proud of the country we call home. Proud to live, work, grow up and grow old here in a prosperous Australia. We want all of this, and we shouldn’t have to, without feeling as if our society is gradually becoming dysfunctional and being led down a path that we cannot return from. Whether your idea of that path is: environmental unsustainability, corporate negligence, economic growth over civil rights, or a path causing rigid and repressive controls over the social, economic, and political life of our population It matters not… For these paths are all, at this point, retraceable. And the breadcrumbs can be picked up again. I feel as if this March in March is not simply a rally or protest from here in Stuart Park to the Lighthouse at South Beach, but a stirring… An awakening of the spirit of action and moral righteousness that is inside us. Inside all of you good people who stand before me today. Inside hundreds of thousands of our fellow countrymen and women who won’t be marching today. Either because they couldn’t be here today due to many of life’s other activities, or because they haven’t realised or had the awareness that this stirring is something that they can act upon. It is hard to take the time out of our lives to organise and attend events such as these, or to take a stand and to actually get up from our relaxed, carefree, how’s it going, aussie behinds and decide that it IS worth our time and effort to work for a better Australia. I do not think that people are intrinsically meant to be proactive like this. Our evolutionary nature and the reality of our society have created a reactive political atmosphere. As humans, we have always reacted to our environment, and this is hard to change. I also do not think, that any politician is intrinsically evil or out to create policies or reform that are detrimental to society. I think it is much more simple than that. I think that people merely lack the open-mindedness of different perspectives or refuse to see life and the world around them from different views or consider other opinions. This feeds into politics, in that a decision can be made without consideration of the negative aspects of that decision or being aware of these, yet disregarding others perspectives over ones held higher by those of their own ilk. Everybody is unique, so there will never be a political party or ideology that we can all agree with. But, if your words are true, your heart in the right place and all avenues of a decision are critically analysed and weighed properly, with noble progression of your people society, at the core of every decision.. well.. This is what I am talking about… It is awareness.. It is the main point of what I am trying to say… Our way of belief in a democratic nation that holds human and ecological values true is a paradigm of consciousness in itself that I think, at least, most of you people before me understand… And this.. Is the greater meaning of this rally. The overall issue, is that human beings are not aware of where our actions stop, or what we are responsible for. So what I say to you is this… During this march, after this march… anytime… Try to talk to your friend, your neighbour, your work colleague, acquaintance, talk to anyone you can.. Try not, to scare, or bore them or preach to them, but instead, try and awaken in this person that seed that you have alive inside yourself. That spirit of awareness… Because like you, I am 100% sure they also have that spirit that wants to be free and to enjoy those ideas that we are talking about today. We just need to awaken this spirit. We are all united here today because we want things to be better in our community. And they can be so much better. And I think the time is ripe for that. Marches with open minded, caring people such as yourselves, coming together in this community, and in other, different communities all across Australia and hopefully now and eventually, all across the world, are like seeds that can grow into a massive forest that could flower all over the Earth. Awareness is our strongest weapon. I believe this is the only way for real change. Thank you
Posted on: Mon, 17 Mar 2014 06:20:24 +0000

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