People have been unceasingly speaking about humanity, peace, - TopicsExpress


People have been unceasingly speaking about humanity, peace, compassion and benevolence. Not being insensitive to the recent happenings that has taken place in Sydney or Peshawar, but it feels like the world has suddenly risen and awakened to the brutality and barbarity of the sect that can be rightly termed as evil. Coming to the point of being solicitous and concerned, we make it a point to forward messages which show consolation towards the 145 children killed in Peshawar or post a Facebook status showing our solace towards the hostage victims in Sydney. But we fail to notice and raise our voices against the petty yet salient incidents that happen around us almost everyday. If we go by the latest statistics, everyday 848 women are harassed, rapped and killed in India. We term a set of people as terrorists because they walk into a premise and dismantle peoples joy and gaiety. But we have mentally started getting accustomed to the distress and pain we see around us. Is it necessary that we need to come to the point of something as tragic as the Peshawar incident or the Kasab attack to realize that the world needs to restore its peace and harmony. Its not just the rapes and killings happening around that is creating a discordant environment. The small acts such as cheeky comments, audacious looks, disrespectful behaviour all accounts to disharmony. Not being a feminist but hear kind of acts on any gender is unacceptable. May it be your friend who in a sense of jest passes a mucky remark or your boss who requests you for an impermissible favour, do not play hand in hand with anything that gives a reason to spread disgust. Peace and humanity are not superficial words that need to be quoted by Modi or Obama. It starts at home, it starts with us. If every person stands for what is right and fights against the smallest evil, peace will not just spread around us but also within us.
Posted on: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 12:16:49 +0000

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