People have this saying that STICK AND STONES MAY BREAK MY BONES, - TopicsExpress


People have this saying that STICK AND STONES MAY BREAK MY BONES, BUT WORDS WILL NEVER HURT ME thats a bigger lie than satan is Jesus. The words that you say to a person can hurt them to the core, because you can say the wrong thing to a person and it could damage them for life, if GOD doesnt step in a minister healing, at the same time you can say the truth to someone and it also can damage them for life, if they arent in a place to hear it, it can cause them to feel hatred, bitterness, and resentment towards you. Sometimes you may be aware that you hurt someones feeling and sometimes it has to be brought to your attention, for instance ill expose my own fault, last week me and a friend had a conversation, and she may read this, and she said that I said something a while ago that was insensitive, but I would have never known, if she didnt bring it to my attention, which I was totally unaware of, its never my intention to be insensitive as I explained to her.because she is truly my friend, we all have to learn just because something may be true, doesnt mean the person needs to hear it right then. The bible says A word spoken in due in due season how good is it in other words saying the right thing at the right time, so I had to apologize to her, not that what I said was wrong, I was just insensitive to her at that moment,she need me to be more passive and not so straightforward in the truth at that moment, lil things like that could destroy a friendship, Song of Solomon 2:15 says its the lil foxes that destroy the whole vineyard, so dont let little thing fester and destroy and entire friendship or family relationship, lil things will slowly eat away at a person until hatred is formed, Im not a person who sugarcoats anything, because that doesnt help a person ither, the bible states, I would rather have the wounds of a friend, that the kisses of and enemy which means I would rather have a friend who will tell me the truth and it hurts for my good, than to have someone pacify me with a lie, you dont want to become a MURDERER with your words, killing peoples spirits with what comes out of our mouths, learn to shoot good bullets (WORDs) that will UPLIFT and not KILL a persons spirit!!! Proverbs 18/21 says Power of life and death lies in the power of the tongue,so dont misuse your power to kill, but use it to UPLIFT by speaking good things into a persons life!
Posted on: Fri, 31 Oct 2014 12:45:20 +0000

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