People have various ways of dealing with information that is - TopicsExpress


People have various ways of dealing with information that is unwelcome. Some will simply discard the information and get back to the 9 to 5 grind because that is what they know, it’s familiar. Others will throw labels up as a defense so they don’t have to honestly evaluate information: conspiracy theorist, anti-government domestic terrorist rant, tinfoil hat wearing adolescent sitting in his underwear in his momma’s basement, etc.. But most, MOST people will simply cling to platitudes wrapped in terminology of faith as if their words will shield them from undesirable information and outcomes.... You believe that God provides, yet you work. You believe that God protects, yet you probably lock your doors. Prudent actions do not imply a lack of faith. On the contrary, acting prudently is merely an expression of faithfulness. Some forces in our modern culture are trying to redefine Christianity. Groups like the hyper-grace movement say that lifestyle, actions, and choices don’t matter. Only our faith, our beliefs, and attitudes matter. They have a right to believe what they want, but they shouldn’t call it Christianity and they shouldn’t expect to be immune from the consequences of their lifestyle choices. We are called to believe in Jesus AND to follow Him. The great commission explicitly includes “teaching them to obey everything I have commended you.” (Matt 28:20). Instead of feebly clinging to words that we think will shield us from life’s circumstances and the consequences of our choices, we should grow up and embrace a biblical worldview that includes responsibility. Faith matters. Choices matter. Consequences happen. Your family is your responsibility Its quite possible that when trouble hits, no one will be coming to help you. If you see danger, you should take refuge. 1 Tim 5:8 says ”Anyone who does not provide for their relatives, and especially for their own household, has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.” That’s a grow up kind of statement. Is your ability to provide for your relatives dependent on other people and supply lines beyond your control? Are those people and supply lines dependable? What would happen to your supply lines in a currency collapse or after a prolonged electrical outage (which could be caused by EMP, solar flare, or terrorist attack)? What would happen if your area began to persecute Christians and decided not to employ Christians or sell them food or energy? 1 Thes 4:11 -12 ”Make it your ambition to lead a quiet life: You should mind your own business and work with your hands, just as we told you, 12 so that your daily life may win the respect of outsiders and so that you will not be dependent on anybody.” Pauls’ advice (to the persecuted church where the supply lines might get cut) was to not be dependent. If you have a back yard and a suitable climate then grow some food staples that can sustain you. If you don’t have the ability to do that where you live (and you want to avoid being worse than an unbeliever) then you might want to consider moving. I know it sounds harsh but that’s only because common sense has been replaced by our conditioned acceptance of completely unnatural conditions. We tend to think that certain verses don’t apply to us because we live in a city or because our fancy (and fragile) economy has an advanced division of labor. Society’s cultural drift (moral, economic, and agricultural) does nothing to nullify the counsel of the world of God. durablefaith/2013/08/19/wakeup-growup-standup/
Posted on: Mon, 19 Aug 2013 23:00:24 +0000

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