People in this forum have consistently asked me what is your - TopicsExpress


People in this forum have consistently asked me what is your problem? Arent religions equal arent they all violent? Even though constant evidence from opinion polls, scriptures and history have not persuaded them (I dont think it ever will). So I am proposing a pragmatic line of argument, and arguing the consequences of this dogmatic adherence to equality of ideas. 1) Representatives of which other religion has tries to change the whole concept of human rights. -------------------- OIC created the Cairo Declaration of Human Rights in Islam.[2] While proponents claim it is not an alternative to the UDHR, but rather complementary to it, Article 24 states that [a]ll the rights and freedoms stipulated in this Declaration are subject to the Islamic Shariah and Article 25 follows with [t]he Islamic Shariah is the only source of reference for the explanation or clarification of any of the articles of this Declaration. Attempts to have it adopted by the United Nations Human Rights Council have met increasing criticism, because of its contradiction of the UDHR, including from liberal Muslim groups.[13] Critics of the CDHR state bluntly that it is “manipulation and hypocrisy,” “designed to dilute, if not altogether eliminate, civil and political rights protected by international law” and attempts to “circumvent these principles [of freedom and equality].”[ Human Rights Watch says that OIC has “fought doggedly” and successfully within the United Nations Human Rights Council to shield states from criticism, except when it comes to criticism of Israel. ----------------------- 2)The apologia also caters to the fragile sensitivities of the religious community that adheres to the aforementioned ideology and has a tendency of preferring to throw toys out of the pram in lieu of owning up to its own mess. It’s the same community, whose religious sentiments are shattered by animations and YouTube videos, moving them enough to destroy their own property. However, the fact that the community makes up around a quarter of the global population provides some esteemed opinion-makers in the West a massive pool of people to enhance their fan-mail count by painting rosy pictures of realms they’ve rarely set foot in and ideas whose ramifications they’ve never faced. Blaming the West for Islamist brutalities, fuels their legacies of monolithic self-criticism at the cost of over 2 billion people of the world that are already over half a century too late in accepting their status as global citizens. The predisposed narrative peddles Western imperialism as the sole evil tarnishing the Solar System, with all history preceding US – and British – imperialistic excursions declared to be null and void.
Posted on: Wed, 03 Dec 2014 13:03:06 +0000

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