People just dont understand the pain, insomnia and fatigue - TopicsExpress


People just dont understand the pain, insomnia and fatigue associated with this disease. Im tired of being told Im lazy. Im a person that worked for 47 years of my life, raised three children, cut grass, did all housework and was at ballpark and dancing practices for my children...alone. No one helped me. I worked 5 and six days a week anywhere from 8 to 16 hour days.. Ive worked 2 and three jobs to keep my head above water. Now that Ive developed fibromyalgia from chronic pain from back injury, I get told Im lazy. Some days the back pain is so bad I cant complete a grocery shopping trip. Most of the time, its back pain that starts my problem in a day, but by the time I get home, the pain has scattered throughout my body. I cant take pain meds, they make me horribly sick so I take nothing. I was on Lyrica, didnt notice much help, but weight gain was horrible. Being a person with respiratory problems, Im put on steroids 2 to 3 times a year...that causes weight gain also. I quit taking the Lyrica. Didnt do much to help my problems and cant afford the additional weight. Im already as big as I can stand. So I wish they would find something to banish the pain, insomnia and fatigue without all the adverse side affects to help people like me. Only someone suffering with this can associate the feelings I have. Those that dont have it can only frown, call me lazy and say Im a fake. I would like all of those people to live one week in my life, then you have the right to say what you want about me. Besides the health issues, Ive had to go through family tragedy and issues enough for ten families. A lot was my fault because I allowed myself to be used and abused, but those days are over now. Okay, Ive vented!
Posted on: Sun, 02 Feb 2014 17:40:02 +0000

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