People keep telling us about all the ups and downs Jack is going - TopicsExpress


People keep telling us about all the ups and downs Jack is going to have. Thank goodness he only seems to be having ups. I think perhaps I am getting all the downs instead! (Which obviously Id prefer). Last night about 11pm I started getting terrible pains in behind my front and back ribs. I thought perhaps I could be constipated but had had a couple of bowel motions so then guessed it may be trapped wind. I spent the next couple of hours rolling around on the bed trying to relieve the pain. Numerous times I considered going across the road to the hospital but couldnt face getting over there. The only thing that relieved the pain was sitting in the shower/bath with hot water pouring into my back. I eventually feel asleep about 2am. I then woke just after 3am in the most excruciating pain imaginable. I immediately got into the shower hoping that would offer some relief. It didnt. I was howling (for lack of a better word) in pain. Poor Marty didnt know what to do. He tried calling the hospital midwives then hung up and called 111. An ambulance arrived and Marty had to wake up a lady across the corridor to let the paramedic into Ronald McDonald House. It must have been a sight for him seeing me making so much noise rolling around naked in the shower/bath. He gave me numerous doses of morphine while monitoring my blood pressure which had become really low. After 20 mg of morphine was able to get out of the shower and get down to the ambulance where I was given more morphine. I was driven (across the road) to the hospital and spent the next 10 hours having numerous tests ,X-rays and scans. It was a very strange feeling being so dosed up on morphine. It was like I was floating and couldnt focus my eyes on anything. I also had numerous doses of anti nausea medication as I felt really nauseous throughout and had bad reflux burning. I was terrified that the pain would return when the morphine wore off, thank goodness it didnt. They were concerned the pain could have been a complication from my labour, possibly related to the problems I had with the placenta coming away. Eventually they came to the conclusion that it was gallstones (possibly made worse by our meal out last night! My first meal out in months!). I am having a scan of my gallbladder tomorrow and follow up blood tests next week. After some discussion about staying in hospital the night a doctor decided I could leave as I was only across the road. It was a really long night and neither Marty or I got any sleep once again. Ironically its exactly two weeks since we arrived in Wellington Hospital and spent the whole night and day awake in the hospital in labour! I thought then that would be the worst experience of my life but last night was far worse. I actually cant imagine pain ever being that severe and pray that I never have to experience that again. Once I was allowed to leave the hospital we went for a quick visit to see Jack. Both of us were pretty out of it with tiredness and I still felt hazy from the morphine. Thank goodness Jack was doing fine. His stomach is looking really swollen but the nurse assures us it is fine and caused by excess air from the SIPAP. They have once again lowered the drug that reminds him to breathe and lowered his oxygen levels because he is doing so well breathing by himself. I felt bad that I couldnt stay with him for long but really needed to get home and lay down. I had continued to express every 3 hours throughout the night/day but had to throw the milk away as Id had to higher doses of morphine which would have effected my milk. I came back to Ronald McDonald House and Marty went to pharmacy and collected my prescription for painkillers and then went back for Jacks 4pm cares. Sometime later he returned and climbed into bed. We were both so exhausted. A while ago I heard his phone ringing. I answered it and passed it to him. I was so tired I couldnt explain to him that there was someone on the phone and he was so confused he couldnt understand why I was passing him the phone. His brother called back and must have asked how Jack was doing. Marty answered we havent been to see him yet this morning. I looked at my phone and said Marty I think it is still evening! Such a strange feeling being so confused and not even knowing what day it is!! It was 9pm. We hadnt had anything to eat since last nights meal out. We decided the other day that Marty would stay for another week and will now leave this coming weekend. Thank goodness as I dont know what I would have happened last night without him here. Feeling very sad about him leaving :-(.
Posted on: Mon, 08 Sep 2014 12:11:12 +0000

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