People living in poverty are exceptionally vulnerable to crime, - TopicsExpress


People living in poverty are exceptionally vulnerable to crime, abuse and exploitation. If they do not have the ability to take real and effective recourse against these actions, then impunity and inequality is perpetuated, and their vulnerability is exacerbated. Accountability becomes a sham. Their increased vulnerability and exclusion further hampers their ability to pursue justice and infinitum, spiralling down the generations. The battles of the poor remain unfought because of the huge chasm in wealth, social capital and political power between themselves and their ‘opponents’ those who should be accountable to them, whose actions (or lack thereof) threaten their rights, bodily integrity or livelihoods. A landlord, an employer, a local authority official,a bank that mis-sold them a high-interest loan, a government that has removed their disability benefit with one sweep of the pen. 2015 elections are fast approaching. I write this for us poor people to know, we are living in abject poverty, the peanuts they give us to elect them wont change our condition. Irrespective of which ever political party you belong, weda PDP, APC, NECO OR WAEC. I dont care, just please dont sell your votes. Its time we vote for leaders who are sensitive to peoples feelings, leaders with some degree of credibility. May God help us all......
Posted on: Tue, 14 Oct 2014 07:20:29 +0000

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