People looking for jobs in Nagaland, always wait for the - TopicsExpress


People looking for jobs in Nagaland, always wait for the proverbial apple to fall on to their laps.. Therein lies the problem... Too lazy to find out for themselves what are the jobs that are available and what will they do to make themselves employable... Most of our people with a degree are frankly unemployable and that is the sad reality, but many do not want to do anything about it. They think that having a degree is enough, but it is not!!! With so much competition around the selection will be for the best and for those businesses that practice nepotism and dont really care about their business( as it may just be a scheming thing), so they will plant one of their own friends or relatives and not necessarily the best. People really need to understand the difference between a job and a career.... a job maybe something you do temporarily to earn a living or to tide you over, a career is a series of jobs you will do continuously for a life time... some will focus and find a job that may become a career, while the rest may have to float around a few first before settling into the one they are meant to do a lifetime... Anybody who says there is no job is LYING!!! there are plenty, maybe just not the one you may want to make a permanent one, but in the meantime why can our people not have their time gainfully occupied?? You will find that doing a job however mundane or boring it may seem at that time, will definitely give you an experience or a skill that you may quietly file a way and find use in the future, a job teaches you discipline and skills that you may use towards building a career, it does not matter even if you maybe a young person who may not have figured out what you want to do yet.. The point is to keep your eyes peeled and your ears open around you and notice how things are being done differently. The best thing to do is to get out of your comfort zone and try out things and learn what you like or dont like and what you will do differently from those experience. Repetition is something we seem to dislike, but unfortunately that is what trains our minds. We may talk about sending non locals away from doing certain jobs, but the reality is that there are certain jobs where we lack the manpower.... a stricter amendment to rules can resolve this dilemma.. Work permits only for the person working and disallowing the entire family and extended relatives from living in the camps and turning our state into a slum and them beneficiaries of funds that should otherwise go to our own people, has to be started and implemented very strictly... That way we have a win win situation too. We need to become more street smart and corporate savvy!!
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 05:55:31 +0000

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