People make plans in their minds, but the Lord decides what they - TopicsExpress


People make plans in their minds, but the Lord decides what they will do. Proverbs 16:9 Balaam wanted to accept Balaks payment for cursing the Israelites, so he went when called. But an angel stood in the way of his donkey and would not let him pass. Jonah wanted to get as far from Nineveh as he could when God called him there, but a storm and a fish dictated otherwise. He became a very reluctant but very effective evangelist. Paul wanted to travel through Asia Minor preaching the gospel, but the Holy Spirit would not let him. There was a better plan. A vision directed his party to Europe, and a new frontier for the church was born. Those examples vary in their godliness, but not in the means to their direction. Each had plans that didnt fit with Gods greater agenda. God got them where He wanted them to go, either with or against their will. His agenda prevailed. So it is with our plans. We determine the direction we want to take, and God intervenes. Sometimes it is even a godly direction, as in Pauls attempts to evangelize Asia Minor. But if God really wants to accomplish something, and our plans do not fit His purposes, His purposes win. He will intervene. Human will cannot thwart His overarching plan. We can never take that principle as an excuse to pursue our selfish interests. God wants us always seeking His will and obediently following it. But as much as we try to perfect that process, there is usually an element of insecurity in it. We are rarely absolutely sure of His directions. Even so, He determines our steps. We are not puppets, but His will cannot be usurped. The only question is whether we will be flexible and seek to fulfill it or stubborn and seek to defy it. Either way, whether in rebellion or compliance, God will accomplish His purposes in this world. Trust Gods guidance, even when youre unsure of it. He will fulfill His plan. Open your heart to wherever He takes you, and let Him lead. If a sheep strays from his fellows, the shepherd sets his dog after bring it in again; even so our heavenly Shepherd. -Daniel Cawdray Lord, I trust that You will show me Your will. Help me not to pursue my own selfish interests but to desire Your will above everything else. Amen
Posted on: Tue, 22 Jul 2014 12:23:29 +0000

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