People make such sport of folks who believe in the healing power - TopicsExpress


People make such sport of folks who believe in the healing power of nature...and perhaps it is simply because many are quite eccentric...but I can remember years ago when I was very young...I had several places I ran to when I was lonely...or had a broken heart...and often even when I just felt a need to fill the emptiness inside my soul...all those secret sacred places were beneath the sheltering arms of oak trees....places scented by moss and old acorns...decorated by sparkling stones and golden sunrays spilling through emerald leaves. These places became cathedrals to me...I adored the serenades of the woodland creatures...bird songs...squirrels chattering...soft breezes whispering peace and ancient blessings...the silence broken only by the shrill call of a hawk gliding above this paradise. These memories have kept me connected to the beauty and comfort of the Earth...I still to this day find comfort in these simple things. I have spent time in beautiful churches...glorious stained glass windows...polished benches and soft carpeted floors. Walkways paved to keep ones feet clean and dry. I have listened to words read from the Holy word...magnified by sound systems and technology...while in my heart I wanted to break the window and let life through the fields and feel the grass between my toes. Commune with the birds and dance with the butterflys ... sing songs of praise to the one who gave me such magnificent gifts to enjoy for free...I think I need to hug a tree...blessings to one and all... Thus says the LORD, Heaven is My throne and the earth is My footstool. Where then is a house you could build for Me? And where is a place that I may rest? For My hand made all these things, Thus all these things came into being, declares the LORD. But to this one I will look, To him who is humble and contrite of spirit, and who trembles at My word.…
Posted on: Mon, 25 Nov 2013 16:26:45 +0000

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