People need to wake up and get rid of the Dems next election if it - TopicsExpress


People need to wake up and get rid of the Dems next election if it is not to late by then! Hagel Forecasts Massive Cuts to Troop Numbers. The Army would shrink to 380,000 troops, the Marines Corps to 150,000. The Navy would lose three carriers, and the Air Force would begin mothballing its B-52 bomber fleet under a worst-case budget scenario outlined Wednesday by Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel. In addition, Tricare fees would go up, housing allowances would be slashed, pay raises would be scaled back, and commissary subsidies would be reduced, Hagel said -- unless Congress and the White House can agree to lift the sequestration deficit-reduction process that is projected to take $500 billion out of defense budgets over the next 10 years.More... military/daily-news/2013/08/01/hagel-forecasts-massive-cuts-to-troop-numbers.html
Posted on: Wed, 20 Nov 2013 21:11:58 +0000

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