People often ask me how I got into craftswork and displaying such - TopicsExpress


People often ask me how I got into craftswork and displaying such outstanding talent. My answer is simple, the talent had always been there but it was triggered by PAIN. I was going through immense pain and I just could not shake it off, i needed to outsource that pain, redirect it. I dont do negative thinking, I believe there is always a solution to every problem, some involves drastic solutions. Some people can do drastic, others simply cant but to each their own, so I started looking for ways to get by on a daily basis. Then the idea to start making accessories came to mind, it took me away from idle friendships and phone calls and brought me closer to more progressive ways of thinking. I always advice do not let your situation hold you down/back instead brethren LET YOUR SITUATION BECOME YOUR MOTIVATION Presenting the next life law. LIFE LAW #5: Life rewards action. Strategy: Make careful decisions and then pull the trigger. Learn that the world couldnt care less about thoughts without actions. Talk is cheap. Its what you do that determines the script of your life. Translate your insights, understandings and awareness into purposeful, meaningful, constructive actions. They are of no value until then. Measure yourself and others based on results — not intentions or words. Use any pain you have to propel you out of the situation you are in and to get you where you want to be. The same pain that burdens you now could be turned to your advantage. It may be the very motivation you need to change your life. Decide that you are worth the risk of taking action, and that your dreams are not to be sold out. Know that putting yourself at risk may be scary, but it will be worth it. You must leave behind the comfortable and familiar if you are to move onward and upward.
Posted on: Tue, 03 Jun 2014 06:35:22 +0000

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