People, one of the wise things that My father taught me that has - TopicsExpress


People, one of the wise things that My father taught me that has kept me from going berserk when dealing with a certain ethnic group to “Look for the worst when dealing with them, and hope for the best. That way if the worst happens it won’t be a surprise. If I have a good outcome, which is rare, then wonderful. I’ve said from the beginning of the trial that George Zimmerman will likely be found innocent. If he is found guilty, then he will get a light sentence. If Trayvon had been a White teen and Zimmerman an African American, all this talk about who was on top of whom, who threw the first punch, who screamed, would not even be an issue. Zimmerman would have been found guilty because of these simple facts. He ignored the orders of the 911 dispatcher, left his car and pursued Trayvon in violation of neighborhood watch laws which George claimed he was a self-appointed member. Second George was carrying a pistol also in violation of neighborhood watch policies. George also had a history of targeting African American males as being suspicious, and reporting them to the police. He has the mindset of tens of millions of White men in the heartland and across the Nation. Most of his waking hours are spent fantasizing about shooting Black people. Take a look at some of the threads on the Cape Girardeau Topix forum, “topix” 63701. The white race hatred of blacks is everywhere on that forum. Forums all across America are pretty much rampant with the same kind of insanity, and sociopath mentality. Lastly, look at the difference between how our justice system handles cases where Whites shoot dark people and where dark people shoot White people. This Texas man, a few years ago noticed his next door neighbors home being burglarized. He called 911 telling them that he was going to get his shotgun and go outside and shoot them, The 911 operator told him to stay in his house as the police were on the way. He never even spent a single night in jail for what he did. abcnews.go/TheLaw/story?id=5278638&page=1#.Ud084G0SZ9k Now here is a wealthy Black man who was making a six figure income who lost his job and had his career ruined when some sociopathic genetic mutants, started a rumor that his black son was romancing a popular White girl at the high school. Several White kids got a gang together and went to the Black teenager’s house demanding that the father bring his son to them. The father refused and the boys started coming up the driveway threatening to harm the father. When they refused to stop, or leave his property, the Black man shot at them killing one of the white boys. The black man was instantly arrested and went to prison for more than a year before outraged people were able to free him. abclocal.go/wabc/story?section=news/local&id=7543635 Amerikkka has a 300 year history of devaluing the lives of African Americans. By stacking the jury with White people and a Hispanic woman who probably hates African Americans as well, and nof having a single logical Black man on the jury, like myself, has pretty much guaranteed that Zimmermann will not receive the harsh punishment that he deserves. Finally Florida does not have a history of being fair to African Americans period! I wonder how different the thinking here would be if Trayvon and Zimmerman looked like this? Would you be calling for the same person to be innocent? bet/news/national/2012/05/16/photo-what-if-trayvon-were-white/_jcr_content/featuredMedia/newsitemimage.newsimage.dimg/051612-national-trayvon-martin-what-if-he-was-white.jpg I hope I’m wrong. I will happily admit it, and be thankful that I was. Vedremmo!?
Posted on: Wed, 10 Jul 2013 11:41:01 +0000

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