People read this, my cousin April brought it my attention this - TopicsExpress


People read this, my cousin April brought it my attention this school is allowing bullying by saying its part of a teaching process. April Hall Wolfe They have whats called homeless week at my kids highschool. My kids dont go there yet, but they will next year. Theyve been doing this for years. As part of their lesson, for one week, the seniors randomly choose kids to evict from their lockers. Then that student has to go around and beg for money to get it back. The other thing they do is the seniors evict kids from their lunch tables and the kids have to sit on the floor and eat lunch. My concern with this lesson is that it can be taken overboard. I fail to see how it teaches about homelessness. When I asked about whether the students were allowed to say they dont want to participate, she told me one kid came to her and she gave him the money to buy back his locker, which I think defeated the purpose of him saying he didnt want to participate. What if they refuse to give up their locker or table, will they get into trouble? She said no ones ever had a problem with it in the past. And most students think its fun. I went on to tell her that the students who do have a problem with it, arent going to say anything, because they probably feel like they cant. I know if I was in school, and this was going on, I would feel violated and not want to go to school. I am pretty sure this violates their bullying standard, and once I find that book they gave me, I will be writing a letter, citing those paragraphs. Right now I dont have much of a leg to stand on because my kids dont even go to that school yet, but if nothing happens this year, I guarantee next year some serious hell will be raised over this. What makes me mad is that I spoke to the superintendant first and she agreed with me. She then gave the principle my phone number and the principle was not listening to my point. She just tried to convince me that this wasnt a big deal. At that point I realized it was pointless to argue with her and I needed parent support, which I dont have....yet. When I described the lesson to my boys, 13 and 12, my 13 year olds response was how does that teach about homelessness?. My 12 year old said, sounds like bullying to me. That pretty much sums it up.
Posted on: Tue, 15 Oct 2013 10:52:06 +0000

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