People say stupid things out of anger all the time... But most of - TopicsExpress


People say stupid things out of anger all the time... But most of the time, theyre just that, words uttered in anger. It doesnt always mean an individual really feels a certain way or believes those words all the time. They might, in that moment, but I can guarantee its not permanent. Words are words... Personally, I think walking away from someone, abandoning them completely, is much worse than uttering a few angry words... Because actions speak louder than words and your actions define you as a person on a daily basis. Although we are only human, bound to make mistakes all throughout life, you cant hold said mistakes over someones head forever. You make a mistake, you learn the lesson behind it and you dont make that same mistake again. Grudges arent worth holding. Especially when you start getting older. Its a childish waste of energy and it gets you nowhere... Doesnt solve a thing. Forgive and forget go hand in hand, you cant do one without doing the other. I am very frustrated and upset with a lot of things at the moment. There are a lot of things that just shouldnt be happening... But they are. And its all so heartbreaking. Love doesnt quit. Love doesnt walk away. Love doesnt hurt. Love doesnt leave you feeling alone and helpless. And yet... That is exactly what love is doing right now. I try to understand, I try to see reason and logic, I try to remember what went wrong... Which domino started the waves and spirals. But, no matter how hard I try to remember and understand, I realize one simple fact... Its not about which domino started it all... Instead, how long are the waves and spirals going to last? Will they ever end? Too many thoughts... Too hard to put into words.
Posted on: Tue, 03 Dec 2013 20:59:22 +0000

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