People that are extra deep, yawl are drowning! Do me a favor and - TopicsExpress


People that are extra deep, yawl are drowning! Do me a favor and stay the hell out of my lane. Every time you write or open your mouth you show me and others; youre dumber than a box of rocks. Stop That! All because you refuse to change, and learn beyond you or your overstanding, your ego is lying to you! Phuck you and your fake ass religions that enslave you further! Grow up or leave me alone, you and your twisted ass comments that mean you do not feel you should have to grow the phuck up! Life is about real life lesson, get the hell out of your own way. And do your own dayum research, if your core based belief system does not lead you into learning other information, you a dayum fool that fell for a hustle and a con! If you do not apply the life lesson, then you are just another dayum fool with useless information so you can stay the same! Also you silly ass tards and armchair activist that believe you teaching and it is all about you, and your mental health issues got you thinking you are important enough to kill; GTFOH! and get over yourself. If the dog, cat, or your own child will not follow you across the dayum street. You not spitting fire, if you were you would know who is seeking to destroy you, And you would of got a clear message your days or number or they would of taken your silly ass out already! Stop telling lies to yourself and others because you are to lazy to learn the truth, and apply it to your life! I dare you to find out why your voice is not real and has no power. Why should anyone listen to a person who never bothered to apply the information they are sharing to their own twisted and beyond phucked up life! Wake up and stop playing, this is not a game! You have just been dismissed! If you are not putting in work to change who you are, how dare you try to have an opinion in my or anyones elses pond! STFU! Silly rabbit stop being a trick! And apply the knowledge and lessons learned to your own dayum Life!
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 07:16:01 +0000

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